Witchcraft and satanism

okay here goes:

I practice witchcraft and like a lot of people are so close minded about it…it really annoys me. because some people (as soon as they hear the word witch or witchcraft) they think about “evil spells” and killing people and stuff but thats not what its about…I mean…I have casted not so great spells on people before but you can also help people with it so why are people so close minded about it. and PLEASE DONT BRING GOD OR THE BIBLE INTO THIS. (obviously) I dont worship him or believe in him so quoting the bible or talking about god isnt really gonna do anything o.O

and also…im a satanist and people are close minded about that too so im kinda just like..wtf. I mean. satanist dont actually worship the devil. we dont really believe in the devil..satan to us is just like…a symbol. its hard to explain but yeah. and its not a bad religion (my opinion) we dont do human sacrifices and run around killing animals…so like…RAWR! WHY ARE PEOPLE SO CLOSE MINDED =[

Answer #1

I won’t even use the “G” word or the “J” word, but I hope this might open your mind a little…

I wanna tell you a story.. Once upon a time, in a small town in Guatemala (I’m making this story up, but listen), there was a blind man. This man was blind from birth, so he never knew what it was to see. He never had sight, but he was born and raised blind. Many people told him he was blind and as he got older, they called him blind man, but to himself, he was completely fine. He was not bothered or inconvenienced because this is how he lived his life. Sure he knew that others could see and many times, he may have dreamed about having his sight. But he didn’t really know what it was or that it would make a big difference in his life, so he didn’t think to deeply about it. Maybe if he was born seeing and then somehow lost his sight, then he might be distressed about it, but since he never experienced sight, he was never really distressed about it. Sure he had money problems, he could certainly use his sight, but everybody had money problems in Guatemala, and he didn’t know that it would help. Probably when people would talk, he would say to them ‘anyways seeing is over rated’ or ‘I never needed it before, why should I need it now.’ He was simply fatalistic about it and didn’t really think about it too much but just carried on. Till one day a man came to him and asked him, “do you want your sight?” This man was not joking, he asked him, do you want your sight? At first, a sense of rage flowed up in him and the blind man wanted to say to him, get out of here and never talk to me again. Come around here and ask me such a question! But a part of him wanted to know, ‘Is this really true? Could he really help me receive my sight?’ All of a sudden, a great curiosity stirred up inside of him. He thought, ‘could this really be my chance or is this guy just pulling my leg? Will this really make a big difference in my life? So he started asking this guy all sorts of bazaar questions trying to find something to test him with. But the man had no interest in answering the blind mans blind questionings but just said. “Look, if you want your sight, you have to follow my instructions exactly how I give them to you.” The blind man thought, might as well, I have nothing to loose. Lets see what this guy can do. So he says sure, now what do I do? Then the man said, since there’s no water in this town, I’m going to spit in some dirt and make a lot of mud. Then I’m going to put it on your eyes. Your going to keep it in your eyes and go to a fountain on the other side of town called sent. When you wash the mud off your eyes at that fountain, your eyes will open and you will receive your sight. When the blind man heard this, he had many mixed feeling about this direction. Before, he was all for receiving his sight. But now with this direction, it became significantly hard. First of all, he was blind, it was no small thing to head all the way across town, this could last the rest of the day and it was dangerous for him. Also, this blind man had already received many wounds from people his whole life. And he was well known in that town, so to grope through the whole town with mud on his eyes was completely embarrassing. He could be ridiculed and mocked for doing such a thing. If someone came to him and asked him what was he doing, what was he supposed to say. It would look like a sad, sad, thing for him to be doing something like this. Maybe he was on his way to doing something else and now his whole day changed because of this direction. It was just an annoyance for him now. And what if he did it, but when he washed, nothing happened. Anyways, he had no real desire to gain his sight anyways. He never needed it before, so what’s it to him? So he told the man, I am not blind, I can see just fine. So how can you say that I’m blind. Maybe your the one who’s blind, maybe I can see just fine. Your only stuck seeing what you see. But I get to see whatever I want to see. But the man was not amused. All he could say to that response was, “it’s really up to you, if you want to gain your sight, you will do these things.” And he began to walk away. So the man really had to think about it. Deep down, he knew this excuse was his own justification to hos blindness. It only brought him comfort, but he know it was not the truth. He was never asked such a question in his life, so he owed it to himself to think hard about it. The man asked him if he wanted his sight back. It became serious, would he remain blind the rest of his life just going on the same way, groping around life trying to find his way blindly all the time, or would he take the man up on his offer. Before he thought he had nothing to lose, but now he would have to go through some undesirable trials to get his sight back. This man’s spit would be in his face! This was not an easy direction. Before he didn’t really have think about it, but now he had real direction and he would have to want it. He could not think casually about it, but he would have to think very seriously about it. He could not start it and end it half way, that would be horrible, to have this mans spit on his face and to endure all these trials just to quit. He would have to go all the way with it, or don’t go at all. But something stired in the mans heart. Somehow he knew that this man was telling the truth. Maybe it was the way he made the blind man think about his life. Or maybe it was the confidance that the man had. Maybe it was the way the man spoke to him, but he somehow knew that this man was not lieing. So he said, okay, I’ll do it. So the man took some dirt in his have and spit in it a over and over until he made a bunch of mud. Then he put it on the mans eyes completely covering both his eyes with sticky mud. Then the man immediatly started his way to the fountain called send. Finally when he got there, he washed his eyes and rubed them, and rubed them, and first he started to see a color called blue. When he saw it, his heart started to fill. Then he started to see shapes. He had no idea what this was about. Then suddendy at once, his sight came into fill focus and immediatly, he fell to his knees and started crying. His whole life just opened up to a whole new world. He saw what the grass looked like, he saw what birds where all about for the first time. Probably when the sun set, it touched his heart. As soon as his eyes opened, his life was brand new again. He felt like a new born baby expiriancing life for the first time. When he looked into peoples faces, he saw each face different and it touched his heart. Also he now had to learn everything all over again. When he was blind, he thought he knew everything, but when his eyes opened up, his inside character completely changed. Now he could walk to the otherside of town in 30 minutes. Now when someone tried to lie to him, he could see it in there face. This brought so much new meaning to this man, that his whole life would never be the same.

I wanted to say so much to you but I didn’t even know how to begin, there’s too much involved and going on weather you know it or not. I wanted to tell you that your wrong about everything, but how could I tell you that without completely upsetting you or just losing you. I don’t think I can and I don’t have much time to try, but I can show you where I’m coming from. The rest is really up to you.

Answer #2

I wanna no how to cast spells. how do you do it !!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^:OOO

Answer #3

I really feel sorry for you “iamthenerd” you are so deceived and you wouldn’t have said what you did that God must not be mentioned if you didn’t feel convicted. However it is your choice and that’s one thing we have all been given.

I don’t believe people are narrow minded it’s just that they have seen through Satan’s deception and see the Truth. I can talk from experience as I used to be into New Age Spiritualism and by the Grace of God I got saved out of that junk. Satan can so easily deceive us but all I did was seek the truth and I found it and have never looked back. I look forward to spending eternity with my Father in His Kingdom one day.

Take care.

Answer #4

Well people are closed minded because of fear. Most people choose to avoid their fears rather than confront them.

I enjoy how you call yourself a Satanist, I admit I used to call myself a “Satanist” because I thought it made me cool and I agreed with the 9 Satanic Statements and 11 Satanic Rules(I assume you are a “LaVeyan Satanist”???

See you call yourself a Satanist because you don’t believe/agree in/with the bible. And want to be different, right? The funny thing is that you are just a sheep, just like any Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Jew, etc.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not an atheist, I just don’t need to be told how to live my life. I believe in an afterlife, I just don’t need a God, a symbol of God, or an ideal of God. I believe in a higher power, and will life my life to the best of my ability, not to the standards of a bunch of ccksckers.

Answer #5

I believe there is nothing wrong in being a witch or practicing witchcraft as long as you do good and dont harm people. we were helped once by a high priestess so I do believe that you can help people. but please dont do harm if you can’t do good. toni

Answer #6

If you dont believe in either God or the devil by whom do you think these powers are comeing from?…

Answer #7

They should mind their own business - its your life, you do what you wanna do. Satan is just a symbol to you! Its not like you’re becoming some kind of evil genius who carries voodoo dolls around! You’re just you, so ignore them and say that its what you wanna do and they’re not gonna do anything to change you.

Answer #8

j/c why don’t you believe in god?

Answer #9

gods2gal YOU may have personally found God but it does not mean that the devil is influencing iamthenerd. What reason do you have to feel sorry for him? He is happy the way he is and isn’t that the main goal of life? To be happy? And obviously he said that he did not wanted god mention because the usual response is a load of bible bashers commenting to try and convert him, or to save him. I am a witch, I shall go to the summerland and I shall be with my god and goddess.

bluen, if all you want to know is how to cast spells I wouldn’t research it. Theres a thing called the threefold law, which states the whatever you do shall return to you threefold.

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