How do I?

How do I tell my parents that im athiest? if it risks them, my sister, and my grandparents disowning me?

Answer #1

LOLOL Well, I told my father a year or two back when he made a comment that brought up the subject of god. I simple told him, “oh , well, I don’t beleive in god.” And he said, “Oh, Ok. Sorry, I will try not to bring that up again.” You see, regardless of your religion, your family will still love you to the end. Some me even purposely go out of their way not to bring up the subject so your feelings don’t get hurt or too involved. Religion can be a crazy thing, I mean, Look how many wars it started alone.

I would just come out and tell them. Then follow up with “If you really love me, then you won’t care about my beliefs.” I beleive somewhere in some christian book it says always love thy neighbors or some bullshit. So regardless their own religion tells them to still love you anyway also, You can’t go wrong. See what happens when your bound by an old book?

Answer #2

How do I tell my parents that im athiest? if it risks them, my sister, and my grandparents disowning me?

If you KNOW they’ll disown you, that’s pretty sad, because that means they’re defying God by doing so.

the moon has nothing to do with anything. its just a big rock that orbits the earth.

…riiight… nothing to do with anything. The ocean tides are just a BIG LIE made up by the devil…

Answer #3

If they are strongly religious it’s best if you don’t but if you must stand up for yourself and have them gather in the living room and come clean about it and explain why you chose to be one. I told my mom when I was talking to a friend of mine,I only did it cause she needs to know I’m not a christian anymore,yet she doesn’t accept me as one,but I told her,it’s what I want,my life not yours,if you can’t accept it,I’m leaving. That’s what I did.

Answer #4

A true believer will love at all times. It may be disappointing to them because they want an eternity with you, but you must go where you’re led. Explain that it doesn’t alter how you feel about them and let them know that it’s okay with you if they pray for you and hold out hope. As long as your behavior is decent and moral and you are a contributing member of society; they should be content. Show a lot of love and patience; some people feel you are lost to hell-fire if you don’t adopt the doctrine. Maybe someday you too will have your ^Road To Damascus^ experience and change your mind like Saul did before Jesus named him Paul. He was an A1 Christian killer until Christ appeared to him on that road. Fortunately most of us don’t have to go blind first before we can see Him working in our lives. Good luck… and blessings too

Answer #5

yea buddy thats a hard one I admitted to my g parents and family im an athiest and now my relation ship with cirtain people will never be the same but I feel so much better now that I did

Answer #6

if there is no God how do you explain the whole were perfectly center between the moon and the sun?

Perfectly centered between the moon and the sun? Say what? You do realise that the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits the Earth, right?

Answer #7

if we were closer to the moon we would freeze! to the sun weed die from fire ! how thenm is there nop God?

But then we wouldn’t be here. So obviously things worked out. No reason to think there was anything supernatural about it.

mmyers, only you know how your parents might react. If you think it will really be that bad, don’t tell them until you are ready to face the consequences. You can still believe what you want, just keep it to yourself for now.

Answer #8

theres no way to be an atheists sorry you dont belive which means you belive in something you just dont belive in the creator of the universe?

Could you rephrase your sentence please and use some proper grammar?

if we were closer to the moon we would freeze! to the sun weed die from fire ! how thenm is there nop God?

Have you ever heard of EVOLUTION?? That is a possible explanation

Answer #9

Why would you tell them? It’s a personal belief? It’s not like it affects your life or theirs to have this belief. And if you’re under age, why not just wait till you are older?

Answer #10

Stewie I don’t appreciate trying to shove Christianity or whatever you believe in down my throat. I don’t care why you believe an neither should you care what I believe. I asked this question to get advice on how to tell my parents I’m an athiest. and not be lectured by people that think they can convert somebody. I believe in the big bang theory and Charles Darwin. So good day to you.

Answer #11

theres no way to be an atheists sorry you dont belive which means you belive in something you just dont belive in the creator of the universe? I do and wish that you would see that you are a muiracle in the making being born if there is no God how do you explain the whole were perfectly center between the moon and the sun? if we were closer to the moon we would freeze! to the sun weed die from fire ! how thenm is there nop God?

Answer #12

I have beliefs that are different than my family members. I just don’t talk about those beliefs because I’m avoiding a long discussion. What’s the point in bringing it up? It would make them upset, you’ll feel like you’re letting them down, they wouldn’t understand anyway. So why mention it? If they bring up religion, just go with the flow.

Answer #13

Well I’m not going to make you decide but this is coming from my view and heart don’t let people shove their religion down your throat. It’s wrong and isn’t what you want happening.

Answer #14

When I said about me,me and my family don’t get along,all you need to do is come clean to your family about your beliefs and tell them to please accept you as one,your still apart of the family just an Atheist now.

Answer #15

yea but im 15 and no where to go

Answer #16

but I really want to tell them

Answer #17

Don’t tell them. Belief is a personal thing and has nothing to do with your family. There is nothing saying that you HAVE TO tell them. At least wait till you aren’t living with them anymore before you tell them.

Answer #18

I know it would cause a lot of damage if you told them but I can also understand why youd want to… last year I told my parents I was atheist. I new they wouldn’t dis own me but it was definitely a discussion I didnt want to have… but I had to tell them, it almost felt like I would be lying to myself if I didnt..

                  good luck!
Answer #19


Answer #20

I’ll have to agree with Ifeelcrazy

if you know for a fact they’ll diwon you don’t risk it

Answer #21

the moon has nothing to do with anything. its just a big rock that orbits the earth.

Answer #22

dont try and convert me

Answer #23

ok thnks

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