Bapized Again?

Is there anything wrong with being baptized more than once? Does it seem it would show lack of faith OR is it more like renewing ones commitment and renewing vows? Would you recommend another dunking if it would make the dunkee feel closer to God?

Answer #1

God counts baptism in a binary fashion. You must be baptised an odd number of times or else you go to hell.

So, twice is just as bad as zero. If you’ve done it twixe, for god’s sakes get it done a third time as quickly as possible!

Answer #2

Or 5 times if you’re an attention freak!

Answer #3

Being baptized twice can be either lack of faith or renewing your commitment or even a little of both it would be whatever the intent of your heart was at that time.

Answer #4

there is nothing wrong with being baptized more than once. it will not bring you closer to god but will show that you truly belive in god.

Answer #5

People are baptized once they choose to BELIEVE.

You don’t have to be perfect…

You don’t have to know the bible A-Z

The only requirement is that you believe in Jesus Christ…

So I would say the ONLY reason you get baptized more than once…is if you

  1. Stopped believing then decided to believe in Jesus again NOT IF YOU SINNED!!!

  2. If the last time you were baptized you didn’t believe it and was all for show or you were too young to know any better.

3.Unfortunately suffered amnesia

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