I can't pray

I can’t pray. Whenever I kneel to pray, I get so confused that won’t know where to start or how to start. I just don’t know if there’s something wrong with me. Pls help.

Answer #1

start off by saying something like dear heavenly father, thanks for blah blah blah… And yes there is a point in praying, because people who don’t pray, when judgment day comes they will be thrown into the fire, and nothing will come out, nothing but ashes… And then their homes will be in the lake of fire for the rest of eternity…

slavaim is 1 person who will spend is days in the lake of fire…

Best wishes…

Answer #2

Just say what you want to say. He knows your heart. :)

Answer #3

You Dont Have To Kneel If You Cant Just Think :)

Answer #4

I just babble whatever is on my heart even while doing dishes. scripture reminds us that He knows the desires of your heart even before you ask, so words aren’t as important as intent. remember to keep it simple for your own understanding and approach Him with a spirit of gratitude. It comes to you naturally with practice like riding a bike. when in doubt utilize the different aspects of the perfect prayer Jesus gave His disciples to pray daily.

The words to the Lord’s prayer are familiar to millions of Christians and even non Christians all over the world. Jesus spoke the words to the Lords prayer while preaching the famous sermon on the mount. The purpose of the words to the Lord’s prayer was to example how people should pray, not that the exact words of this supplication are to be repeated word for word. In fact, just a few verses prior to where this supplication is found, Jesus said that Christians should not pray like the heathen do, repeating a lot of words, thinking they will be heard due to their “much speaking”. Rather, Jesus wants us to pattern our supplications after him. When praying, Jesus provided an example to the disciples. The words to the Lord’s prayer is useful for any age.

“Our Father who art in Heaven”, addresses the God of the universe, recognizing who He is and where God’s throne sits. “Hallowed be thy name”. Hallowed means holy. Christians recognize that God is holy, and are careful to reverence the Lord’s name and not take it in vain. “Thy kingdom come” is a yearning that all who are in the Lord have, that God’s kingdom would come back soon to the Earth. This is the culmination of man’s existence. “Thy will be done”, means we do not seek our own will, but that of our Father in heaven. “On earth as it is in heaven”, references back to God’s will. While Christians should not seek their own will, the desire is for God’s will to be done on earth, and Christians seek to be the instruments for carrying out the will of God, according to the direction of the Holy Spirit. “Give us this day our daily bread” demonstrates we should state requests for only what we need, not our wants. God already knows what we need; he just wants us to voice to our needs so that we remember who provides them. “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” is talking about forgiveness. God forgives us of our sins if we come and repent of them. In the same way, when our brother or sister in Christ comes to us asking for forgiveness, we are to forgive them because God has forgiven us of our sins. Jesus commands us to do this, or God will not hear us. This supplication is found in the New Testament: Matthew 6:9-15.

“For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever” teach us to recognize who is in control in our lives. God is our Lord, our God, our Creator, and He is the one that directs our lives, not us. Teaching of the Lords prayer demonstrates that man is not his own god. Note how this prayer is totally non-selfish, but addresses who God is and mentions praise for the Lord’s holiness. Christians should be outward focused, reaching out to others as Christ reached out to save the lost. Teaching of the Lords Prayer can help young Christians understand how to pattern their own prayers, and refrain from making supplication into a session for asking for wants. Deconstructing the words to the Lords prayer as we have here gives special attention and meaning and helps others to understand each part. KISS it = Keep It Simple Superstar

Answer #5

I beg to differ aerotrooper159 … ^GOD^ delights in hearing from anybody and


The prayingest people are the happiest people I know … for one thing they are going through life with One heck of an Allie ! sin comes naturally-you still do that. why not then learn to pray?

Answer #6

if your a believer in god, all you really have to do is just say what on your mind, pray for other people like friends, and family. or if you have sinned ask for forgiveness. god will help you in ways that can help. even though you may not see it.

I’ve prayed for one of my best friends to come back, and she has came back and seen me just yesterday. she had moved about 200 miles away from me. and got lifted me up, and helped me get to see her.

Answer #7

I agree with ichibanarky…I used to have this problem myself but like my mom told me once talk to him like you would talk to your friends..tell him whats bothering you tell him thanks for all he has done…and always asks for forgiveness…and yes life is too short its to short to not pray and go to heaven..goodluck huny

Answer #8

It’s nobody’s right to tell her not to pray…if you don’t want to help her, then don’t answer her question.

Answer #9

ignore the 1st comment (slavaim) that is so sad and childish.. iif you believe in god goood for youu.. cus ii do, and he is, but not every1 believs that so..

just kneel or stand you dont have to close your eyes just start by saying thank you ? forgive ?

its simple .. goood luck (-:

Answer #10

It’s childish to believe in God. In fact it highlights just how primitive you all are.

Answer #11

No slavaim is right whats the point. Life is short why bother praying to something wich doesn’t exist.

Answer #12

Just don’t pray, why pray to something that doesn’t exist?

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