A Chance to Convince me to Convert(Christians)

Yeah, that’s right. I’m sick of people saying “well you never gave God a chance”. I use to be a fricken Christian, what more do you want. I’ve even been to church, & I’ve even debated with the sunday school teachers. But hey.

I’ve decided for the next 3 weeks, maybe a month- depending on my mood, & your attitude- that I will give you people a chance to see if you can’t convince me to convert. Before anyone decides to “Well simply read the bible” I have, that’s the main reason I don’t believe in it. My knowledge of the bible matches biblical scholars & not to sound rude or snobby, I know more than a lot of the people who choose to follow the religion(note I said most, not all).

To tell you a bit about myself you have a more fair chance,

I enjoy asking questions I enjoy challenging people, pushing them to their limits I want to know why & how things work & My quest for knowledge & wisdom is never ending Oh, I also study & research religions, myths, &legends as well as many different types of science & history.

I will be open minded but I will also challenge you, so be prepared.

You can answer here, funmail me, or if you want my e-mail or AIM just ask

If you Don’t convince me within the time provided, I don’t want you to talk to me about the religion again.

Let the challange begin!

Answer #1

Sorry it’s taken a while to right back. I keep writing down something, and when I get ready to post it, it doesn’t post it. I’ve been very busy, we had a concert outside one of the local businesses in our town, and on wed. we were in a parade for this festival in another town. We are a Christian ministry, but not your typical Christians thatmany of you have had encounters with. We stand in what we believe, we don’t back down, and we like a challenge. If I was one of those so called “Christians” I probably wouldn’t be writing back. Our ministry is blunt about things. We’re not going to candy coat anything, we don’t tell you what you want to hear, we tell you the truth. Most pastors preach about what they know the congregation wants to hear so that those same members will continue to go and keep giving them their money. We’re not about money. Our pastor works to provide for his family. Unlike others who don’t because “they have been called to do the work of God, and don’t have to work.” Every family in our minstry has formed some kind of a group as in that plays instruments, and they go and minister to there family wherever it may be. We mission trips in Mexico. I usually go every two weeks, but I haven’t had my passaport, and I finally got it in. Our pastor plays in the groups. Like morning Sunday service he plays in them. We have fun, and it’s awesome. Most pastors don’t even get up during a church service until they have to preach. I think it’s foolish to worship a mute idol, like as if kneeling before them, their going to grant you your wishes. Like rubbing buddha’s stomach, that’s stupidity. The whole once saved always saved, and once forgiven always forgiven is not true. Catholics believe that they can continue to sin during the week, and then go and confess their sins on Sunday to a mere man, who probably isn’t holy like most think. You can lose your salvation. As for the being saved when you were young, salvation is something that you cherish, your supposed to know what your doing when you do, not just do it because everyone else is doing, or because someone is forcing you, but because you feel it in you. Jesus was not the son of God, he was the son of Mary. He didn’t care if she was his mother or not. His mother and brothers were those who heard God’s word and put it into practice as said in Luke 8:21. As I said Jesus is the son of man(man being human, man or woman), and Christ was the son of God. A spirit sent inside of man so that the heavens would open and there would be salvation. Therfore becoming Jesus Christ. Jesus son of man, Christ son of God.

Answer #2

Oh jeez…another one of these. First of all it isn’t about religion. It’s about God. Not someone convincing you, you have to see it. You can know the bible front and backwards, and be a high learned scholar, but if you don’t live it it’s just a waste of time. Now I’m not talking about don’t cut your hair, skirts, stoning people, nothing like that. We are supposed to live by the new testament not the old. That being from Acts, to Revelation. The reason why so many are on the fence about religion is because you study multiple religions. Seek God, not a religion. Second of all no one can just read the bible and so you understand it because the spirit of God is the one that makes you understand it. If your not saved or if you don’t repent you don’t have that spirit, you just have a humanly mind. There is so much going on around the world, from molestation, abuse, homosexualism, the economy…and people still can’t realize and see the reason as to why this happens. The world has became so corrupt, and he corrupting it is man. Now let me tell you a little about myself. I grew up in church, but all I ever did was sleep. I didn’t want to be there, and I didn’t learn nothing from it. As I got older my parents got out of church, and I was so happy, but I didn’t know that the result of doing that was going to hurt me in the worst way. My parents are separated, my mother isn’t saved, but my dad is. She is in adultery with a man who whose aids. It’s ridiculous. That’s why I can say that this is real. Because I am changed. I was the worse person you could ever be around. Everything that came out of my mouth was curse words, negativity, rudeness, and that list could go on and on. When my mom left I tried marijuana, I didn’t want to live anymore, and I didn’t want to be around anyone. But the day that someone talked to me about God I accepted it, I ran with it, because I was in need of something that I had been searching for but couldn’t find anywhere. Not in friends, not in family, not in school, not in books, no where. This is the God I’m talking to you about. The one who can forgive the worst sinner, the one who sent his son, his own son, to dwell inside of man and suffer all that he did so that you and I could have a chance to live life and life in abundance. This is my testimony, this is why I know that God is real, because he changed me. He can change anyone. Don’t begin to contradict me, take it in and think about it deeply.

Answer #3

Oh yes because I’m so full of myself. This is ridiculous. Feed them? They’re in the situations they’re in because they want to be. They’re the only ones who can help themselves. Supper for fellowship? Instead of feeding people food, they need to give them the word. Food isn’t keeping them from going to hell, they’re actions and how they live is going to end them up there. It’s so foolish how Jews can still sit there and deny Christ. It would be a privilege to be the choosen people of God, but just because we’re not doesn’t stop us. The last will be first, it’s better to be first, but if they don’t take they’re stand we will. Many do the same? If they do, that’s awesome. but I haven’t seen it here. Of course if I was in a bigger town, I would see it, but you don’t live where I do, so our experiences and what we see aren’t the same. We don’t have “praise bands,” they’re family groups who are learning to play instruments so they can have services in different places. We have concerts, were some rap, some play rock, some play spanish, etc…It’s not the church that makes us feel how we do, it’s God. He gives us the freedom to go anywhere and share his word. No matter the circumstance. We see many people that beg for food, money, and more in Mexico, but we don’t sit there and waste our time giving them something that will last a few hours, we share to them about what God has done in our lives, so they can have that which lasts fr eternity. You give them money, the next thing they do is go spend it in a bar. We see it all the time. They can look for jobs, and help themselves, but they don’t want to. They’re is people that you can tell “why don’t you look for a job?,” and they say, “no I don’t want one, I just need something right now.” That’s foolish to help them feed their bad habits.

Answer #4

*Feed them? They’re in the situations they’re in because they want to be.

*Food isn’t keeping them from going to hell, they’re actions and how they live is going to end them up there.

*It’s so foolish how Jews can still sit there and deny Christ.

*We see many people that beg for food, money, and more in Mexico, but we don’t sit there and waste our time giving them something that will last a few hours, we share to them about what God has done in our lives, so they can have that which lasts fr eternity

*You give them money, the next thing they do is go spend it in a bar.

*They can look for jobs, and help themselves, but they don’t want to.

Thank you. I knew if you went on long enough you would show yourself.


Oh yes…those foolish jews…from the Old Testament…the word of G-d… “Happy is he who is gracious to the poor … he who is gracious to the needy honors Him [God]” (Prov. 14:21, 31).

• “He who mocks the poor taunts his Maker” (Prov. 17:5).

• “One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed” (Prov. 19:17).

• “He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor Will also cry himself and not be answered” (Prov. 21:13).

• “He who is generous will be blessed, For he gives some of his food to the poor” (Prov. 22:9).

• “He who gives to the poor will never want, But he who shuts his eyes will have many curses” (Prov. 28:27).

From the New Testament…

“For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good” (Mark 14:7).

“Everlasting punishment” is reserved for the unmerciful and uncompassionate who fail to feed the hungry and clothe the needy, but eternal life is promised to those who follow Jesus’ teachings on, and examples of, compassionate giving (Matt. 25:31-46; see also James 2:13).

Now, be off with you…you have shown your ‘true’ colors by mocking the poor and the jews…

Jesus would be SO proud…

Answer #5

Sorry I took so long to write back. My computer froze they day I tried to write back, and it totally just didn’t let me post what I had written. I also have been busy because we just had a concert outside of a local business in my town, and I had orientation for college. Our ministry is Christian. We aren’t your typical everyday Christians though. We speak the truth, we don’t candy coat anything for you, we’re not after your money like most pastors and ministries are. Most “Christians” are scared to speak the truth, and I don’t want to be classified as that Christian. If I was that Christian I probably wouldn’t be writing back, I too like a challenge. Yes when I came to God I had a need, I wasn’t doing bacd, I just wasn’t content with my life. Come to find out there is so much more happiness in God. As for Mary, I see you mentioned that, that’s what Catholics worship. I find it foolish to think that by kneeling down in front of a mute idol, it’s going to grant you your wish. Like rubbing budda’s stomach for luck, that’s stupidity. I don’t believe that God deserves scaps, he deserves the best. Catholics believe that they continue to sin during the week, and then on Sunday, that can confess their sins to a mere man. One who probably is nothing near to holy. They beleive in that one saved always saved, and once forgiven always forgiven. That’s not true. You can lose your salvation. As for being saved as a child you obviously did because everyone else was, or you thought that that was expected of you. Like a force. Salvation is something that you have to be a 100% sure about. 100% knowledgable about. Jesus wasn’t the son of God. Christ was the son of God. Jesus was the son of Mary, of a human being. Christ was a spirit that God sent into man so that the heavens would open and there would be salvation. That makes Jesus Christ. Jesus son of man, Christ son of God.

Answer #6

jesusistherockuponwhichistand Here in America opposed to how many countries in the world that people cannot choose the way they live.If you stand up against the leaders you’re killed. A lot of people don’t realize how good they have it here in America. Heck, for centuries no one had to experience war on this shore even. People really just don’t realize how good they have it here, as apposed to many other countries. They’re able to use their freedom of speech to speak out against it, to speak against the people risking their @$$es for them to keep this country free day in and day out. Other countries, lets take North Korea, their leader is worshiped as a god, speak out against him, you and your family are tortured and killed.

sexylilme I’ve a similar story A good friend of mine was diagnosed with lipis(basically a typed of cancer of the blood). It was server, the doctors gave him only a few years. The group I was in at the time(he was a part of it also) and I did our little witchy things. A few weeks later when he went back the doctors were amazed, Once you have this you have it for life, however, the doctors said it was as if the lipis wasn’t even there(but of coarse it was you know). Years later he’s still as healthy as a horse. Really, it’s a mind over mater thing, not some divine interference(though there is a possibility, one never knows). It’s all about defeating the physical state with the mind.

Answer #7

You still c that we are different from “Cheap Christianity”, but you still want to categorize to be the same. We’re not the same. A real Christian believes this way that I’m telling you. A “Cheap Christian” believes the way you think they’re supposed to believe. Not wanting to offend anyone, and trying to help everyone. “Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.”-Acts.3 6-8. What about that? Money isn’t going to save them, but giving them the word of God will. He accepted God, Jesus Christ, and he got up. It wasn’t money that made that happen, it was God. Or like in 2 Thessalonians 3:10-For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” Oh yeah, Peter and John didn’t even know how to read, much less write, but they were so wise in what they knew because of God. God gave them wisdom. Not having different types of certificates, or being a well educated scholar. My uncle didn’t even know how read, and he gave his life to God, and of course he knows now because he feeds himself of God’s word. God doesn’t look at the outward appearence, he looks inward.

Answer #8

*To say what Catholics believe? Because that’s wht they believe dude. I know Catholics, I shared with a Catholic, and she understood what I was saying. She told me and I quote, I like to go out and party and hang wth my crazies, and then go to church on Sunday and ask God for forgiveness.

It is amazing to me that you lump ALL catholics together, yet you expect us not to lump your ministry with ALL christians. Do you actually think that ALL catholics are like that? Each person is an individual and selects how to live their live. If you believe that EVERY person in your ministry is behaving exactly how you think they should behave, then you are misguided.

You are not presenting your ministry in a great light. You are basically saying that ‘your’ way is the best, that ‘your’ ministry only knows the truth and that ‘your’ ministry holds the one and only key to being ‘true’ christians. You discount the practices of others in a judgemental, self-righteous way.

Your ministry sounds EXACTLY like what I dislike about organized religion…judgemental, self-righteous bigotry towards the other religions…because ‘ONLY’ yours is the ‘right’ religion.

Answer #9

*Any religion reads the bible, and Christ is in it.

Christ is not in MY bible. I am jewish and our bible DOES NOT include the New Testament. Get your facts straight…not all religions read or believe the Christian Bible which includes both the old and new testaments.

*The one who can forgive the worst sinner, the one who sent his son, his own son, to dwell inside of man and suffer all that he did so that you and I could have a chance to live life and life in abundance.

Your reference is not a casual ‘christ is in the bible’…it refers to a belief that christ was the son of G-d and through belief in him you have a ‘chance to live life and life in abundance’ Again…that is a CHRISTIAN belief…the primary tenant of christian belief. Jews do not follow that tenant, muslims do not follow that tenant, bahais do not follow that tenant, buddhists do not follow that tenant…but christians do. I am not talking about all the little ‘rules’ laid down by different denominations…I am talking about the basic tenant of christianity…belief that Christ is he son of G-d and that through belief in him, you go to heaven.

So…YES, you are talking about the christian religion…

Answer #10

No. You don’t really know what that means. Doing good deeds doesn’t give you a ticket to heaven. It means the poor in spirit. Not literally the “poor”. Those who are at there lowiest in life. That can’t take the pain they’re suffering, not those who don’t have material things. Life isn’t about the material stuff. Why would you want to give someone money, and then they go and blow it on beer, or weed? That’s foolish. Your just feeding their bad habits. If they were to say get liver cancer, or lung cancer, or die, you would have something to do with because you contributed to it. The hungry in spirit, those who don’t have refuge, clothe them by sharing the word of life to them. You know nothing because you just read it but don’t understand it. You don’t have the spirit of God in you that guides you when you read. You think of it carnally. You kind of get my point thex13thchild? Like to say if you were a part of a religion, and fully dedicated to it, but others take it as a joke, and they put on that “coat” when around others like them, but when they’re with people that aren’t like them they act the complete opposite. That’s being a hypocrite.

Answer #11

There is a documentary called the star of bethlehem watch its www.bethlehemstar.com then tell me that everything that is and ever will be is just a coincidence just the creation of everything is 1x10^30 that it came out in a way that the universe wouldn’t implode on itself

Answer #12

As well as I can preach witnesses to you of other faiths, and things I’ve witnessed. I use to be of the Christian faith, I no longer walk down that path do to things I’ve witnessed and the lack of answers. To you I may be lost, to me I’m finding my way. You have your beliefs, and I have mine.

Answer #13

I really could witness to you all day, but unless the Holy Spirit is upon you no one is capable of converting you. People can’t argue other people into being Christian. The only way to convert someone, is if the Holy Spirit is upon them. Obviously, that is not the case here, so I will pray for you and other lost believers. God Bless. I hope that one day you will find peace with God. :)

Answer #14

That’s good you have your passport. Carful down in mexico right now, I heard it’s been hell latley since their leader was killed.

I’m just stating the general definition if the term/name, which did originate from Greek. And why were any of histories legendary heroes acknowledged? 49 Nathanael answered and said to Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” 50 Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.” But seriously differs this from any other story of a savior, of a god man, of a fantastic hero? What makes this one so special?

And not a problem, happens to me a lot too.

Answer #15

Ok. Well salvation is first for the Jew, and then for the Gentile. Just like those stubborn people who didn’t believe that Christ was the son of God, to this day I can still see that this is still thought. It’s Christian religion, but I’m not part of how people view so called “Christians”. All I’m saying is that God has made a difference in my life, it’s a fact. It’s what I live. I’ve come so far, and to let go of what I have and agree with everyone else is foolish. I know that no matter if you don’t agree with me, this word has been given, and it can bless or condemn you. God’s word doesn’t come back void. You can continue to believe what you believe, but at the end, we will know the right truth. Jews are the choosen people of God, that’s a great privilege, but these people are still in the mind frame that Christ isn’t the Son of God. Just because you believe that Christ is the Son of God doesn’t win you a spot in heaven either. It’s your work for God. Your obedience towards him, and your righteousness. Just by confessing he is the Son of God isn’t enough. That’s the difference between the “Cheap Christians,” and us, my ministry.

Answer #16

Jews do not believe that Christ was the son of G-d. Jews are not stubborn on that issue…it is their belief.

*Just because you believe that Christ is the Son of God doesn’t win you a spot in heaven either. It’s your work for God. Your obedience towards him, and your righteousness. Just by confessing he is the Son of God isn’t enough. That’s the difference between the Cheap Christians, and us, my ministry.

No, that is the difference between christianity and EVERY other religion…jesh

And now..I can’t help but ask…what is YOUR ministry?

Answer #17

Before I begin I want to make sure you get this. Please let me know when you do get it. I have tried to respond to people just for it to not be sent for whatever reason. thanks.

Answer #18

First of all, wait, Christ is in the bible, not necessarily a Christian Religion, but nice try. Any religion reads the bible, and Christ is in it. Second of all, this is about God, about serving him, not trying to convert anyone. It’s about a relationship with him. Religions are so corrupted already with people saying, “oh come join us, or come over here.” People are drawn to what they want to hear. I didn’t say, “oh come to christianity because it’s the real deal,” I’m saying come to God because he is the real deal. Christianity that yall are accoustomed to hearing about is “Cheap Christianity,” that oh don’t do this, but yet they do it themselves. That’s a hypocrite. They contradict themselves. Not everyone is like that. I speak of my personal experience. I speak of what God has done in my life, not someone elses, not someone from the bible, but in me.

Answer #19

I have no need to contradict you…you contradict yourself…

*First of all it isn’t about religion. It’s about God

*the one who sent his son, his own son, to dwell inside of man and suffer all that he did so that you and I could have a chance to live life and life in abundance.

Yes, it IS about religion…it is about the CHRISTIAN religion…When you bring up christ you bring up christianity…

so knock off the “it’s not about religion” crap…

Answer #20

(if you had to search ofr it, then your knowledge does not match that of real Biblical scholars (not to be confused with ministers and other apologists who have no idea what they’re talking about but declare authority nonetheless).

Answer #21

* My knowledge of the bible matches biblical scholars

I seriously doubt that. But, I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself anyway.

Q) Name two solid reasons why 1 Corinthians 15 is inauthentic.

Answer #22

~~For questions with lifelong impact (or more), try reading things like the Bible not internet forums.~~

Holy crap, how ignorent can one be? Have you not read a single word of my post? Let me quote something I posted

“Before anyone decides to Well simply read the bible I have, that’s the main reason I don’t believe in it. My knowledge of the bible matches biblical scholars not to sound rude or snobby, I know more than a lot of the people who choose to follow the religion(note I said most, not all).” Do you read? Or do you not retain information for long Or perhaps you just can’t comprehend?

Answer #23

I’m jewish/agnostic. As you can tell from my previous answers regarding religion, I DO NOT support the bible thumpers or organized religion. We are usually on the same page about the ‘frozen chosen’ that visit this site. But this question…sigh.

Answer #24

I DO NOT want to be converted & I’m NOT asking to be I’m a proud witch But I’m sick of people saying I need to “turn from my ways of sin” That I need to giv the “true path” a chance SO I decided to do just that This is their chance I am challenging those who think I should change & giving them a chance to see what they have to convince me. That’s it.

Answer #25

I dont belive and god im not a christian but I do belive and hell and heaven

…well that’s certainly pointless and contradictory…

Answer #26

I dont belive and god im not a christian but I do belive and hell and heaven wats th point and not beliven thts ther sumfink better after death … but sumtimes whn I and help I don’t pray and it seems too help me even tho I don’t really belive either x

Answer #27

Well im not the holyest person but well 3 years ago my grandmother found out she had cancer and it was reali serious , She had 5 surgerys to remove it and the docters told her she had no chance of beating it they gave her 2 months to live … 3 years later shes just as healthy as before she got it she hs made a full recovery she has always been a reali strong believer in god and My entire family and I are convinced that that is what got her true it … Now I get my faith from her when things get rough I do turn to god and I always find my way I do believe that thre is someone looking down on us and even if its just a nice tought or something to believe in well that cant be a bad thing … If we havent got belief what have we got ?? Xo

Answer #28

For questions with lifelong impact (or more), try reading things like the Bible not internet forums.

Answer #29

Looks like you’re out of luck, they’ll try convert those that DON’T want to listen to them…better luck next time.

Answer #30

I understand that you know, but people really do chose to be what they want. Those people can’t help themselves because it’s a poor country you know. But I’m talking like here in America, americans can help themselves, but they don’t want to. That’s why there is so many lazy people. You get them in a comfortable spot, and then they just stay there and don’t worry about helping themselves. They’re is always something they can do. Like I wasn’t born into a wealthy family, but with God we make enough to get whatever we need, and more. I understand he preached to the poor, but in spirit. Like the Jews would be classified as the Rich, and the Gentiles the poor. Because the Gentiles didn’t have the same opportunity as the Jews. Like the Cananite woman. You know healing wasn’t for her or her daughter, but she believed and had faith and Jesus saw that in her. He sad he wouldn’t give the master’s food to the dogs, and she said even the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall off their table.

Answer #31

To say what Catholics believe? Because that’s wht they believe dude. I know Catholics, I shared with a Catholic, and she understood what I was saying. She told me and I quote, “I like to go out and party and hang wth my crazies, and then go to church on Sunday and ask God for forgiveness.” That’s so foolish. God doesn’t deserves scraps. Either you serve him right, or don’t serve him and say that you know him. Christians that you know aren’t stepping up and being the Christians that they should be. They’re cowards, they can’t stand up to anyone, can’t take up for themselves, and they are moved by any little thing. They don’t have boldness, they just blend in with the crowd. The force things on u, we don’t. If you don’t accept it we’re not going to continue telling u, you can just pay the consequences. Not yall in general, people in general. We do share and try to connect with those Christians as you said, but they don’t want to move out of their comfort zone. A little OCD. I like to sort my m&m’s by color, and I eat certain ones of the same color at one time, and then the next color. It’s weird. Lol.

Answer #32

Hi honey… (((hugs)))
I admire your courage and gusto, even your challanges, however, serving God, is not about a challange, it is about a heart attitude, and this can only come about between you and the Savior. What you are talking about is about the head, and the knowledge of the mind, etc. God is not about all of that, even though words are used to talk about his ways, and precepts.

He is Spirit, and he is love. Period.

A person can say or do anything they choose, but, until they bend the knee (and humble themselves to truly believe, Gods truths) there will never be true salvation.

God judges the thoughts and intents of the heart, and if you truly are sincere, he knows, and when you are, he responds, until that time, all one does is mouth words.

Their are many false converts in the world today, all you have to do is look around, to find them. Jesus standard are “IF” you love me, you will obey my commandments…

So, the bottom line is “IF” we are not doing what Jesus taught us to do, and applying his teachings to the best of our ability, we are showing, in effect that we do not love him.

I am not meaning to apply perfection by any means, because this is not what the scriptures are saying, however, I am trying to show the difference in head knowledge and heart knowledge.

When one believes with the heart, the head will follow. And it may begin with the head, but, it has to move to the heart, however, all of thisi s the work of the Holy Spirit, working within.

If you truly have a desire to know God, you will keep seeking until you find him. The scriptures also say that no one can even come to God, unless the Holy Spirit draw him, so, if you really are serious, then the Holy Spirit truly is working in your life, and one day, you will be totally convinced, and nothing nor no one would ever be able to change your mind again.

If or when you truly become a believer, I welcome you to the Kingdom, as a sister in the Lord.

Answer #33

You could have all kinds of degrees, but that’s nothing. I don’t have all any degree, and I know what I know because God reveals it to me, not from education. I’m barely 19 years. old, but I let no one dispise me because of my youth. You can have so many different degrees, but if your not real with God it’s worth nothing. It’s speaking spiritually. Yeah some might not blow it on those things, but why would they want to just have that for that moment,and not have something that will assure their lives for eternity. Is this not true, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”,? Give someone that they need it will only last for that day, but give them something that will last forever, and they will have it forever. Show them how to survive on their own. With God we lack nothing.

Answer #34

I’ve really had enough with this religious disputes. If anything, it’s veering me in the other dircation on my choice. In the olden days, or in places other than America anyway’s, don’t choose to be homeless. Jesus preached to the poor and lower class btw. Though, in America, a lot of your homeless people choose to be. They have shelters, places to get free food, hand outs. A Holmes person can make anywhere from $50-$1000 or more per day, just in hand outs, so I can see where Jesusistherockistandon coming from. But as I recently stated, in most places of the world. Africa for instance, Hadies, Barbadose, ect. If you’re born in the lower class there, you’re stuck.

Answer #35

We’re not like that at all. I know numerous people that go here to the Catholic church in my town. Even my own family. You know nothing about my ministry. You’ve never been to it. I have experience walking into a Christian church, and now I’m at my church and they’re totally different. I’m not saying our ministry is the best. I’m just saying what we do. We don’t seek our own glory, we seek to share God’s word with people that were in our situations. We’re starting something different. We’re making concerts now around our town every fri. to minister to people around the different areas with our testimonies, and through music. All I’m saying is we are different, out of the 200 churches in our town, no one does this. Instead the fund raise to make money. They only go to church on Sundays, with a 1 hour service. What are you going to learn in an hour? Our Sunday service starts at 8 ends at 12:30 or 1. 8-9 is a study where we get to ask questions about whats been going on in our lives, and then regular service. Wed. is from 6-9. Not to mention what goes on during the week. We different branches of our church in other towns.

Answer #36

I’m not being offensive, but if that’s how you take it than ok. It’s a truth, that I will not back down from.It’s speaking with the truth, not candy coating anything, and that’s what most Christians now a days do. It’s time to stand up and make a revolution, and that’s what we’re doing. Of course everything is going to go well for me, because I have God, and I’m obedient to him. This word has been giving, and it condemn, or bless. Later.

Answer #37

thex13thxchild I admire you I really do. You’ve given these christians a chance to convert you but obviously you’re sticking to what you feel is right. To be perfectly honest I wouldn’t convert to christianity again if someone paid me. I as you, am a proud witch.

Blessed be

Answer #38

Again, you generalize…ALL poor people will not blow it on beer and weed…

Okay thex13thchild… to quote you… ‘My knowledge of the bible matches biblical scholars’

Do you think the bible is referring only to those unsaved or do you think it refers to actually poor, starving people?

To you both, you don’t know my background or my faith (just my religion) or what my degrees are in…so 13th…use your knowledge and decide…was the bible referring to the poor as in lacking of belief in G-d or is it referring to those trapped in poverty, hungry for actual food…

Answer #39

*A Cheap Christian believes the way you think they’re supposed to believe. Not wanting to offend anyone, and trying to help everyone.

unlike you, a true christian, who is offensive towards other faiths, the poor, etc. and who physically helps no one.

I get it. and I am tired of it. I wish you well…

Answer #40

Anytime anyone generalizes and includes an entire group as having one trait…it is wrong.

The statement was that they sin all week…and then ask forgiveness…don’t you think that is a little bit of a mass generalization…

also, anytime one group puts themselves forward as always correct while everyone else is wrong…

Assuming that any group of people ALL have the same traits leads to bigotry, racism and hatred.

Answer #41

Jesesis ect ect I believe that one just can’t sin ask for forgiveness, sin, ask for forgiveness I’m not grouping all cathlics together saying that, a lot do, and some don’t I believe if one is going to claim something then one should dedicate fully to it one reason why I detest dablers of the occult and then wonder why they get their butts in trouble because they don’t know what they’re doing.

Answer #42

Don’t just assume you know why I became saved. No, actually no one in my family was saved. At that point and time in my life, way back when, I had wanted to be, that’s why I was. Christ is not a name relating specifically to Jesus, or son of any god. It’d actually a very general name (was a very general name) that originated from Greek as Christos (don’t quote me on my spelling, I know it sucks) which means “anointed one”. It basically reefers to anyone whose been anointed with holy oils or holy water in a religious ceremony. So basically anyone on the planet whose been baptized could be called a “Christ Oh, some food for thought- Jesus wasn’t baptized until the age of 30. So looking at the general definition and what you’re saying, he wasn’t Jesus Christ until the last year of his life.

Answer #43

Almost every church in my city has some sort of service or prayer group every day, Wed. night supper for fellowship and then a few hours to study, most services on Sunday are at least 2 hours and Sunday study on top of that. Presbyterians, Catholics, Baptists, Uniterians, Methodists. They ALL have praise bands.

You want to minister to people? FEED them. Clothe them. House them.

Enjoy your church, think it is the best but do not think that you have invented something new…many do the same as you. Get over yourself…

Answer #44

Your not what? You believe the same what? Lol…yeah it’s tripped out. I separate my money from crumbled looking dollars, and straight good smelling dollars.

Answer #45

Yeah, I’m not and I believe the same thing when it comes to if there be a biblical god

haha I do the same with mine I also sepreate tacks by their colors pennys from how clean and all that other stuff lol

Answer #46

it’s funny In my view Christians are Christians no matter what the branch, you think there’d be some common ground, or at least that they would use the common ground to build some sort of firm bridge to connect themselves and relate with one another instead they let the differences build a wall it’s almost repulsing thoguh I do see your point utopia

Answer #47

You were just talking about Jesus, I was asking how he is different from any other man god. What makes the biblical god so special from the rest of the gods that went down in history?

ADHD which makes me prone to a lot of sh*t such as depression(don’t have), anger issues(not going there XD), and a lot of other crap Also have OCD

Answer #48

*Catholics believe that they can continue to sin during the week, and then go and confess their sins on Sunday to a mere man, who probably isn’t holy like most think.

‘your’ christian ministry seems to have quite a bit in common with other religions…judging others…

Who are you to say what Catholics believe…

Answer #49

the point was that the ‘common ground’ is judgement of others…

Answer #50

Not ignoring it at all. Didn’t quite read that part. Those heros don’t save you. Just like idolizing them just like I said about the Mary, or Buddha. They can’t give life and take it away. That don’t have the power to forgive or save anyone. For me God is my hero. I have a little OCD, but that’s about it lol.

Answer #51

YO people Stop the bickering

Not to offend “jesusistherockonwhichistand” but your story matches that of many others who convert to Christianity or just take up the beliefs of the bible. A traumatic event happens event happens that tends to change on for the worst You loose your drive, motivation, sense of purpose A feeling of abysmal emptiness sets in Some will cope by becoming involved with risky behaviors, some becoming depressed, some develop anger management problems Things appear to move about in an on going descending spiral & reach a point of desperation at this state of desperation that one will try anything that they believe may help them it’s also at this point & state of mind that people are guidable & someone will come about, usually with a sad story, & “introduce” the bible to them claiming “it helped me, it will help you”. It’s all in the mind. The universal law of attraction states positive will attract positive, negative will attract negative. You were in a negative state of being that attracted negative happenings to you. When the person who came along & “showed you the way”, he made you feel understood, that you weren’t alone & that there was indeed hope, which put you in a more positive state of being which in turn attracted more positive happenings, & thus you put more effort & energy into being a more positive person. You reap what you sow. Oh By the way, Yes I have been saved. When I was a young child & didn’t know any better, yeah, I was saved. & I guess one can say that I do live by “Jesus” words, though not intentionally, it’s just the type of person I am. I believe that if I have wronged I should try & make up for it, or “repent” for it Treat others the way I want to be treated, though from time to time I see that it may be moot & treat others as they are treating me in certain situations to convey a point. Hell, if I were to die tomorrow I’ld be insured a place in heaven, hence I’m a virgin, by choice. I could slake my “needs” any time I wanted though I don’t see a point in just doing it to be done, I’m just not that way. I’m a strong believer in “you reap what you sow” so I try to send out positive & try to push myself & give the best of my efforts so that it may payoff when it returns. It’s really just that simple. One needn’t read the bible of live by the bible to live a moral, fulfilling, happy life.

And yes, you ARE talking about Christianity as Utopia has stated btw. and really, why should anyone have to believe that Jesus was son of God? What archeological proof do you have? And what makes this story different form all others? It’s not the first story of a virgin birth or the first “son of a God” Zeus impregnated Leda Perseus was the son of Danaë, also impregnated by Zeus Horus, Son of Isis, a virgin The birth of Krishna the list goes on and on Btw I highly doubt Mary was indeed a virgin. The women on her blood line are full of whres and prstitutes. It was common in pagan religions for the Goddess to be called “The Virgine Goddess” It’s also common for their children to be born in caves, stables, and MANGERS, which are symbols for that of a mother’s the womb.

Also, the SUN Gods were born again on Yule after laying dead for 3 days(Sound familiar?) It has been accounted that the historical Jesus, if be one,( I think there may have been, but like King Arthur or Merlin-yes there was an actual Merlin believe it or not, though nothing like the stories of coarse-, the stories were blown way out of proportion) would of been born in the Spring, not the winter.

But really, even if all this is true, even if there is no archeological proof & evidence, What would make this different from any other religion? Really, it looks to me like it’s reaping it’s practices and rearranging stories from other, and older, beliefs and practices, even the confessions and communion sacrament, even celibacy, all these practices were a part of Isis-Orisis Cult long before Christianity. Anyone mind explaining this???

No, I’m not trying to start an argument or debate, I stated I was going to challenge people, and I am a “curious cat”, so expect me to ask questions.

And yes silverwings, I will try praying, and I will take it as seriously as I possably can

EASTERJOLLY I’ll read the site, as for watching the DVD, it depends, are you buying it for me??? I personally don’t have the money to be spending right now.

Toadaly Hmm… can’t say I know for sure(so don’t quote me), but I’m going to give it a whack.(knew I should of paid more attention to it XD) There is no account of Paul’s arrest in Ephues(sp?) I know there were 7ral traces of inauthentic letters in the early church composed in Paul’s name, if I’m right this would be one of them Wasn’t fragments of this written at several different times to meet different situations out of order?, or is that the second one I’m thinking of? OR was it the texts were lost and the so called important parts of it were later written in, filled in the blanks. Yeah I’m scribbling down gibberish, its right at the edge of my mind but I can’t bring it to light -_- So I must admit, I don’t rightfully know.

Answer #52

Sorry it’s taken a while to right back. I keep writing down something, and when I get ready to post it, it doesn’t post it. I’ve been very busy, we had a concert outside one of the local businesses in our town, and on wed. we were in a parade for this festival in another town. We are a Christian ministry, but not your typical Christians thatmany of you have had encounters with. We stand in what we believe, we don’t back down, and we like a challenge. If I was one of those so called “Christians” I probably wouldn’t be writing back. Our ministry is blunt about things. We’re not going to candy coat anything, we don’t tell you what you want to hear, we tell you the truth. Most pastors preach about what they know the congregation wants to hear so that those same members will continue to go and keep giving them their money. We’re not about money. Our pastor works to provide for his family. Unlike others who don’t because “they have been called to do the work of God, and don’t have to work.” Every family in our minstry has formed some kind of a group as in that plays instruments, and they go and minister to there family wherever it may be. We mission trips in Mexico. I usually go every two weeks, but I haven’t had my passaport, and I finally got it in. Our pastor plays in the groups. Like morning Sunday service he plays in them. We have fun, and it’s awesome. Most pastors don’t even get up during a church service until they have to preach. I think it’s foolish to worship a mute idol, like as if kneeling before them, their going to grant you your wishes. Like rubbing buddha’s stomach, that’s stupidity. The whole once saved always saved, and once forgiven always forgiven is not true. Catholics believe that they can continue to sin during the week, and then go and confess their sins on Sunday to a mere man, who probably isn’t holy like most think. You can lose your salvation. As for the being saved when you were young, salvation is something that you cherish, your supposed to know what your doing when you do, not just do it because everyone else is doing, or because someone is forcing you, but because you feel it in you. Jesus was not the son of God, he was the son of Mary. He didn’t care if she was his mother or not. His mother and brothers were those who heard God’s word and put it into practice as said in Luke 8:21. As I said Jesus is the son of man(man being human, man or woman), and Christ was the son of God. A spirit sent inside of man so that the heavens would open and there would be salvation. Therfore becoming Jesus Christ. Jesus son of man, Christ son of God. Baptism doesn’t save you, what you continue to do after that does. No one in my family was saved either, I was the first, and know my dad, my sister, and my brother-n-law are saved. Three more to go, and it’s going to be done soon. As for the holy oills or whtevr we don’t do that, we don’t pray for people either. Their in the situation there in because of their own decisions, and their parents. Christ was in him. Do you think Jesus was just going to go and do the things he did by himself? Why did Nathanael acknowledge him in John 1:49-50?

Answer #53

Sorry I posted that 2 times! I kept clicking and click post your advice and it wouldn’t go, so I guess it did it twice. My bad. :)

Answer #54

Yeah it is. Yeah the so called gang that has risen up over there. We don’t fear it. We’ve passed right by them so many times, different members, but nothing has happened because when you go with a purpose to share the word of God he will protect you. Living witness of it. Because just by telling Nathanael with words who he was, Nathanael in return acknowledged he was the son of God. He thought greater, and he wasn’t like most, he knew who he was even just by hearing it from one person. Just as Jesus knew who he was just by seeing him. Yeah I have learned to just click it once, and then what for it to load on it’s own, takes a qhile, but it gets done.

Answer #55

Yes, I know that, but you seem to be ignoring the bulk of my question. What makes this so special & differs this from the rest of the legendary other god men or radical heroes and/or heroines?

Yeah. I’m ADHD so I tend to let my impatients get the better of me at times and just keep clicking XD

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