Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Wud you get wet if a boy feels yer boobs?
  2. Too flirty?
  3. How do I ask him to chill without him thinking I like him?
  4. whats the best way to turn on a guy?
  5. Why do I always stop befor I have an orgasm??
  6. Why do guys have to always have the last word in a fight?
  7. How To Give A Guy A Boner
  8. How do you let go of someone?
  9. Are you still a virgin if you use a vibrator?
  10. Boyy friend troble
  11. Whats up with this guy why wont he talk???
  12. How to break up with my boyfriend?
  13. My boyfriend and best friends
  14. Best friends boyfriend
  15. Guys and Gals
  16. Is it wierd 2 get horny when you need a piss?
  17. How thick should a erect penis be?
  18. How do you feel about these things.
  19. Can you help with a girl...
  20. My mum has a new boyfriend what do I do
  21. I only can tell her how I feel if I write it down.
  22. How easily do guys get annoyed??
  23. What do I do?
  24. I cant see two people I love, help?
  25. Do men have night emisions?
  26. Should I ask him out ?
  27. Am i a virgin if he went partially in me?
  28. how do I know if im still a virgin?!
  29. keeping the conversation going??
  30. Will he will forgive me someday?
  31. How should I approach her?
  32. Where is the best place to put your hands when making out?
  33. Do I have any right to be questioning the trust?
  34. Why do girls call themselves fat and ugly?
  35. Since weve been together I've seen him bout 3 times
  36. What should I do about him wanting me to swallow?
  37. Why can I only get 1 finger in?
  38. How do I start trusting him again?
  39. What can I do about him having a girlfriend?
  40. How can I talk to him?
  41. Does anyone get what I'm saying?
  42. How should I stop him from being someone who keeps blaming himself?
  43. What to do about a cling-on friend?
  44. How can I accept my small penis?
  45. What would be a good thing to do?
  46. To cheat or not cheat??
  47. How do I show I apperiate what he does for me?
  48. How do you cure a broken heart?
  49. Where should I get revenge?
  50. I'm getting nervous about my relationship, what should I do?
  51. He confuses me, does he like me or not?
  52. How to kiss someone with small lips?
  53. How can I be less shy with girls?
  54. How to talk to or meet new people in school?
  55. How can I get my best friend back?
  56. Does male and woman semen taste similar?
  57. Is it bad to enjoy the taste of your own semen?
  58. Im jealous of my ex, what should I do?
  59. What do you do when a guy kisses your neck?
  60. what does this mean?
  61. Would breaking up help us?
  62. why doesnt he do anything?
  63. I regret letting my boyfriend eat me out, is he grossed out by me now?
  64. How can I get a good boyfriend?
  65. What should I do about the flashbacks I`m having?
  66. Does age matter?
  67. Does every girl finger themselves?
  68. Do you think its a compliment?
  69. I think my friend might have killed himself, help?
  70. Why don't I get anything out of foreplay?
  71. How can I ask a girl out?
  72. Who is your ideal partner?
  73. Why does he want her to sing in bed?
  74. Is this a sign he wants to get to know me?
  75. Some one you love and like asked you not to kiss her
  76. Boyfrien just broke up wit me an has a new girl already!!!grrr!
  77. I love this guy but his cousin is mean
  78. Im confused. I need some advice or opinions
  79. How can I tell if my crush loves me
  80. I asked this girl to homecomings and she said yes
  81. What should I do about it??
  82. Why can he talk to them, but not me?
  83. Should I confront her
  84. When you finger yourself, and you get cum.. what is that?
  85. I like this guy in my band class
  86. Fingering myself(mature answers only, please)
  87. This guy
  88. Girl with no heart
  89. Do you think we should be together?
  90. Girls girls and going out
  91. Would you rather?
  92. Boy Help
  93. Girls and boys answers plzz
  94. Is watching porn with your girlfriend hot?
  95. Cant look her in the eye,,,
  96. Why do I hate so many people?
  97. How do you get a boy to urgently kiss you on the cheek?
  98. Not wanting to hurt your close friend
  99. How would I deal with this???
  100. why do teenagers pretend like they are in love?