Boy Help

I want to win a guy over, hes kind of choosing his options. But I can feel that he likes the other girl a little more. Im falling for him, I know I am. And I can’t bear to just let him go. What can I say to just win him over?

Answer #1

Okay you need to back off. As crazy as that sounds. You need to seem as though you have other options too. If he thinks that you are just waiting there for him he will continue to do what he is doing because he knows he can get away with it. Do not be mean or tell him you are leaving him alone!!! What you need to do is no matter how much it kills you do not text, call, drive by his house or anything like that. If he does call (give it a few days) then pretend you are busy. Say Oh I have plans with the girls or I cant talk Im busy and dont call him back for a day or so.

Answer #2

Tell him how you really feel. Make sure that your looking him in the eye when you tell him. Don’t say that you don’t like the other girl, as that makes you look mean/selfish/rude etc. Just say that you really like him and you would like a chance to get to know him better =)

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