What should I do about it??

Ok, well there’s this guy at my school that I kinda like.. A lot. And supposedly he likes me to, which is so great. He talks to all of my friends about me and says how much he likes me and how pretty I am and how he’s going to ask me out whenever his girlfriend breaks up with him (he doesnt do the breaking up with girls unless he feels like he has to..?) and stuff… :) but when I see him, I don’t know he just doesn’t act like he likes me as much as everyone says. He waits for me in the hallway and puts his arm around me and walks me to class and hugs me (he gives amazingg hugs..) but never really says much. Today I tried flirting with him more and it was strange… The first time I saw him he didn’t say to much. He was back and forth with flirting with me and our connection was kinda.. Off. Ya know? The 2nd time I saw him he put his arms around me and was flirting with me and wanted me to walk to his class with him and was saying the sweetest things. It was great :) but then after that class I saw him and he was being kinda rude and didn’t talk to me that much and only gave me a one arm hug like I was just a friend.. =/ so what should I do about it? To make him like me a little more.. Any advice wil help!!! Thanks..

Answer #1

thanks :) I’ve thought about that, too. but now that somebody else feels the same way about it, it’s really opened my eyes and helped me out, ya know?

Answer #2

I’m going to tell you something (from experience) that you may not want to hear, but since you mentioned the fact that this guy has a girlfriend, I would run. Turn your back and RUN as fast as you can! Well, not literally, but no good can come from a situation where the guy you like already has a girlfriend. Even if he says he’s going to break up with her, even if he says all these sweet things to you, even if he says he’s unhappy with his current girlfriend, etc. There’s a great chance that he won’t break up with his girlfriend if he hasn’t already. You’re better off finding someone who’s available (read: NO girlfriend). I know it’s not the answer you wanted, but it’s the best advice I can give you. Consider it carefully. Good luck.

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