How would I deal with this???

There’s this guy that I really like and he likes me too. But then I got really close to his bstfriend and now we’re like brothers and sisters. Honestly, he’s not cute but I really like him. Should I tell him that I like him or should I keep it to myself? Ps. I like both of them…

Answer #1

Just do your homework and forget about boys. Why waste your time? Wait till you’re finished school for any of that, or you’ll cringe about memories of teenage boys for the rest of your life. They are a waste of space.

Answer #2

omg omg I was just in that situation not long ago.. like last week. ! lolz..

wow it is hard ! :S

but I told both of them about how I was feeling for them and stuff and I told them that I couldnt make upp my mind, and they both understand. :) and they now know my situation and crap and are trying to help me with it and stuff..

and in the end one of the guys told me that he was over it and that he gives up so I found out that the other guy was really the one for me… :)

so it worked out good !

it might not work out for yuu.. but I highly recommend trying it.. :)



Answer #3

wow um you’ve got quite a cross road hun. you’ve gotta make up your mind. I’ve been in that situation many times. it really sucks… my only advice would be to talk to them, but that could turn out bad so really think it over. good luck


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