This guy

Hey everyone (nickname for now is jelexa) Now there is this guy I like out of three and he would be number 1. Now ever since I told me I liked him earlier this year, he’s been alright with it. Thing is he acts different with me. When he does pluck up the courage to come and talk to me, he would be with his friends and he would just say things like ‘hey jelexa’ and he would just look at me after that most likely smiling but I hardly ever look up to see his face directly b/c I know I have a visible blush on my face. He would let his friends do the talking. Like he did yesterday (11/09/09), he - at times - looks like he really wants to come up to me and talk but I think his nerves get the better of him. And when he does talk to me, he’d talk about random stuff. I have caught him staring at me, until something/one gets him out of it Tell me people do you think he likes me??

Answer #1

also to this problem something has happened recently that I think has got me on his bad side but I still catch him at times staring at me until he can’t see me anymore it is weird and a bit annoying b/c my friends keep saying he likes me and all. lately he is been like this, it’s like he really likes me, next its like he hates me and I’ve done something wrong and the next time I don’t even know and they all at least last for about 2/3 days please help

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