What do I do?

I have this friend. He’s my best friend, however, he’s really mean sometimes. The most recent time was this past Friday. He had a football game. I never go to the games because I dn’t enjoy foot ball. It was 2 hours away anyway and I didn’t have a ride there.

So this other friend and I hung out with some of my other friends. He got mad at me for hanging out with other people. He sent me a text that said something mean while I was with my other friends. He wouldn’t answer any of my texts.

The next day, he comes over and tells me about how him and his girlfriend went to see Gamer and went to eat at Fuji Yama. He knows I wanted to see that movie. And he doesn’t ever wanna eat there when we all go. Then he tried to rub it in my face by saying “See how it feels when your friends ditch you?!”

But I didn’t ditch him. I tried to explain that. If I hadn’t gone with my other friends Friday night, I would have been sitting at home alone bored.

He’s done this many times and I don’t know what to do. He always promises that he will change when I tell him I can’t stand his crap anymore.

I don’t want to lose him, but I don’t know what to do.

Please help.

Answer #1

thats just rude.you shouldnt put up with that.I know you dont wanna lose him but if I was you I wouldnt talk to him untill I know he has changed.he should not do that to you.he has no reason to.hope I helped some.

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