Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Where can I find good chat sites?
  2. How does it feel to get fingered?
  3. Why do I like all the guys with the name ryan?
  4. Why a gap between me and him?
  5. What kinda texts do you like guys ??
  6. How to stop tourettes around my girlfriend?
  7. What should I kiss him?
  8. How do I choose?
  9. When you were 13...?
  10. What do I do if the guy I had my first kiss with has a girlfriend?
  11. Why do people think lesbians and bi people are sluts?
  12. What guy do I choose, help?
  13. What to do I love her but am a BIG FLIRT?
  14. How to tell if a girl that sits in front of me likes me back?
  15. What should I do about boys?
  16. Why do I feel this way about my boyfriend?
  17. how to break up with him?
  18. Why does my friend copy me so much?
  19. What/why guys are like this ?... Answer this please xd ???
  20. Why is it wrong to want to go out with him?
  21. Why is it odd I am still good friends with my ex g/f?
  22. Why wont a change help me to forget him?
  23. Why dosent she like hugs and dirty talk anymore?
  24. What should I do - tell him, or not??
  25. What does it mean if I can put the head of my dick in my mouth?
  26. What should I name his penis?
  27. what to ask a guy when playing 20q's?
  28. How do I get my girl to let me finger her?
  29. What do yo catorigize your bff as?
  30. What to say to friend?
  31. How do you find good woman?
  32. How would you feel about this??
  33. What do I do about my cousin's hott friends?
  34. Who. Is it dumb to break up with someone over this?
  35. why do people keep saying nice things?
  36. why is she acting like this is it my fault?
  37. Why does he take so long coming home?
  38. Why do girls think it's nasty to play with them selfs?
  39. What can my friend do?
  40. Why do I feel funny about having my FIRST boyfriend ?
  41. Why She Tryna Confront Me Like That?
  42. How do I get my girl back?
  43. Why did I think he was worth it?
  44. Why would a guy who loves you not want to tell you anymore?
  45. How can I be friends with a guy that I used to go out with?
  46. Why moving now??? Needing as much advice as I can get. pleasee?
  47. What should I do afterwords?
  48. Why would my girlfriend wanna watch me Jack off?
  49. Why does she text me everyday and she has a boyfriend?
  50. Why does this girl keep commenting on my page?
  51. Why do I feel so shy around boys?
  52. Why does he act like this !?
  53. What should I do about my boyfriend ?
  54. How can I stop flirting?
  55. Who do you think I like more, I want to like one but I like both?
  56. Why can't I move on?
  57. How to get over this guy! ?
  58. How do you stop loveing someone?
  59. What are the common things we do in a date vth ones girl?
  60. Boyfriend of only a yr problems :(
  61. Why does my boyfriend have these dreams about me?
  62. Do you feel loved?
  63. Obnoxious friend drama
  64. Guy with baby???
  65. Crush On a Teacher...Help!
  66. what are you usally doing when giving hikies?
  67. ok I need advice on A Guy ,Help?
  68. How to get a guy to like u???!!!
  69. would a guy lie about a girl being pregnant
  70. Falling for my ex
  71. Need a little advice from girls
  72. How do I tell my bff to stop flirting w/ my boyfriend?
  73. The sad time of my life lols .
  74. Turned off by crying guys
  75. Is this a good pet nickname for my boyfriend?
  76. Am I upsest with this kid? what should I do? =(
  77. Trapt in love hard
  78. How to get someone to stop txting me
  79. When can I find mr. Right
  80. Does he feel da same way about me???
  81. What subjects can I talk about with him??
  82. whats gonna happen?
  83. being called a (unt worse than being called a hoe
  84. He the worst me...
  85. how do I get him to stop watching porn?
  86. is it for sure??
  87. whats a girl to do?
  88. Bff/boyfriend drama!
  89. Showing Interest
  90. easiest way to make shapes with your pubic hair?
  91. which one should I kiss?
  92. should I send an apology letter?
  93. hey you there!!! luv me uv course
  94. du you like someone
  95. Acne!! Stories?
  96. What is more meaningful to boys, hugging or holding hands?
  97. how do I last longer before I [cum]?
  98. What to buy boyfriend for xmas?
  99. Girlfriend broke up with me 11/15/09
  100. why did my vagina stop throbbing?