Boyfriend of only a yr problems :(

okay, So weve been dating for only a year, but were still reeally close, but im a HUGE b!tch. and he still stays with me, I’m very overpertective, if he goes to a friendsi gotta make sure nothing happened, maybe it’s just cause were only 15, but porn is my biggest issue. I HATE them watching porn, I don’t know why it’s just how I am. but he watched it 1 time in like 7 months, and I got pissed ! he promised never to do it again, and nearly cryed right infront of me, I don’t know. should I let him get away with it and trust him again? :/

Answer #1

this is unbelievably werid .. it like I was you 2 years ago .. I tell you this ull break wt you got if you dont stop it no .. I rewind every thing cz I was.. you get to the point were you convince your self soo much they have cheated that you cheat and trust me I did it and I regreat everything I done you need to give him your full trust and just bite your tounge cz it will only back fire .. hun porn is porn hes got you nothin else is better and also.. honestly waht is the chance that hell ever get to fuck them huh?

maybe you shud try watchin it with him it cud be extreamly arrousin no matter how embaressin it will be at first he defo like it it’ll really turn him on not the other woman on tv but u .. that your watchin it so if you do do it and he gets a hard on dont have a go use it =] just try to lay of him cz it will break ya other wise im lucky cz my boyfriend 4 gave and 4 got and nw we been togeva 4 3years and coudnt be happier but nw he cnt trust me ..

Answer #2

Ah thanks imma take that advice

Answer #3

its just porn. he wants to be turned on, its not like there gonna come out the tv and be doing thatt stuff to him.

Answer #4

but he doesn’t, and I can’t help it

Answer #5

He is going to break up with you if you treat him that way

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