Why a gap between me and him?

I have a friend who is a guy.I know him for past 4 years.when ever he comes and sits next to me,he would always leave a gap between me and him.why is he doing so?can some one please tell me?

Answer #1

Basicliy because he is probabley afraid to get in close and touch you like good friends do. Do you like him? If you do just look at his BODY LANGUGE!!! It is amazing what a guys body langue can tell you. Now if you start to hit or flirt with him and there is no one else around to see if his back goes rigid stop and wait a few minutes before trying again. becuse a guy will try to make him self bigger and taller when startled, scared, confused, angry, and when showing off for a potiential girlfriend. or it could just be that he is just giving you space.

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