Am I upsest with this kid? what should I do? =(

there’s dis guy who I used 2 like last year from my church and a couple of months later he started 2 be rude and mean… but then I 4gave him and he 4gave around may dis year.. he is now single and his a very great friend. he always makes me smile and laugh at him. when I smile he smiles.when I text him he always makes me laugh at a message that sends me most of da time. I think im falling 4 him again. he doesnt know that I have a crush on him and I dont want him 2 noe yet because then our friendship would probably be ruined. im always thinkin about him. what should I do? Please give me some advice

Answer #1

If this guy isn’t stupid, he’ll have figured out that you like him. Of course. Listen to Cupkate.

Answer #2

ok let me explain something to you,

one time I met a guy and I liked ihm for a month, then we both went our seperate ways after things got a little tense, then we started to talk again and the same thing happend, then we talked again then I finaly told him I liked him and he said he liked me too and then we talked for another couple of months then, heres the kicker, I asked him out, ME, lol and ya know what? we’ve been dating for over a year and im so in love with this guy and he loves me, I would do anything for him and hed do the same,

the moral of the story here is, if you want something you have to go after it, no matter how hard it is you just gotta go for it!! trust me we stopped talking for reasons but ya know what? I cared about this guy so much I said screw that! im just gona go for it anyway! and im so glad I did! so hun just go for it!!

ask him to hang with you, and you alone, thats how I did it, then I asked the guy right then and there, and ya know what, this is gona be so cheesy but, it was a happily ever after lol, so hun just go for it ! I know you can do it! :D

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