How can I be friends with a guy that I used to go out with?

I’ve known this guy for like 4 years. You see, a few months ago, he and I tried to become girlfriend/boyfriend. Sadly, it didn’t work out. Ever since I broke up with him like a month ago or so, he has all of this hostility towards me. I confronted him today on that. He told me that he has been suffering from a broken heart for 7 years due to his last relationship. He now says that he wants to be my friend but he acts like he wants nothing to do with me. I am giving it my all and trying to be his friend and he isn’t giving it back. I need to find a solution. Either I need to learn how to let go or find another way. I don’t know. I’m confused and hurt. My heart is broken over this. I HATE THIS!!! This has been an ongoing pattern for quite a while. I hope you have the answer to my problem. Thanks.

Answer #1

this happened 2 me recently. he said that he wanted 2 b friends but he also didn’t want anything to do wit me. What I did was that I ignored him for a week and then he came up 2 me and asked why I wasn’t talking 2 him. I told him that he didn’t want anything 2 do with me, so I thought we weren’t friends anymore. He didn’t see it in my perspective so we’re not friends anymore. however, we do have respect 4 each other and we will talk, but it’s rare.

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