What should I do - tell him, or not??

OK, well…there’s this guy who I’m really good friends with, and it was perfect just the way it was, like that. But then, a week ago he asked me out. I said yes for two reasons – one, there is no harm (I thought) in giving him a chance, and two, I didn’t want to break his heart by saying no. But now I’m in an even worse situation – he really seems to like me, and is always holding my hand and stuff. And I feel sooo guilty because he thinks I like him too, but I actually don’t! I should have just said no when he asked me in the first place, but I didn’t. And that was really silly of me, because now I feel even worse. But I just don’t know how to break up with him. And the even stranger thing is, he is my second boyfriend, and whenever he holds my hand, my mind drifts back to my first boyfriend, who I actually really liked. I was talking to my first about my second, and he has been trying to help me out as well, but I just don’t know what to do…help, anyone?? Please? Thank you!

Answer #1

this might surprise you but the truth is that I had to face the samething some time back… now I was a friend of that guy but after I broke up he asked me out … just because I didnt want to say no to him and break his heart I said yes … just like you felt I did feel so bad after I started going out with him as I trully didn’t love him.. but time changed evrything now I truely love him and started to belive that he is my soul mate or what ever… so just leave it to time … it will solve evrything… you will truely start to love him as its natural and hapened to me as well…

so give time a chance and wait kkk all the best…

and hey don’t break his heat by breaking up with him ,,, because it will hurt him more than it wold have been if said no when he first asked you out .. so think and decide…

always listen to the expertzzz lol

Answer #2

OK, thank you so much!! =D Now that you mention that, it could actually be possible…thank you heaps!! :)

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