How would you feel about this??

okay so here’s whats going on. My friends zack and jessie have been dating 9 months. they think they’re in love so zack proposed and she said yes. but everyone’s flippin on him cause well they’re only 15. but romeo and juliet were 13 and 15. it is possible to fall in love at that age my brother in laws parents did. so would you flip on them or would you find it super sweet like I do??

Answer #1

15 years old?? That is such a joke. No idiot could ever get married at the age of 15 - does anyone have any idea what marriage is??? It is not just fun and games, it is a huge commitment. Why would you even want to do it? No, seriously, people who get married at that age are crazy, and have something wrong with their brain. I mean sure, it’s every teenage girl’s dream to get married and live with the person you like at the moment happily ever after. But it’s not always happily ever after with marriage, especially when you’re that young!!! I am shocked. That’s just completely unacceptable, and I can totally understand why everyone is flipping out on him. I would be too, if I knew him! That’s just stupid. We are not in the year 2000BC, for god’s sake! We are in the 21st century, where people are free and actually have a life. They both have their whole lives ahead of them - uni, work, partying and having fun!! Marriage is WAY too big a commitment, and anyone who does get married when they’re a teen just looks to a lot of people like they’re slutty and just trying to get attention. They’re not even really in love, obviously, otherwise they would wait till they at least leave school. DON’T GET MARRIED AT THE AGE OF 15!! THAT’S THE STUPIDEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD OF!!!

Answer #2

yeah, listen to ranithriandme. He/she knows what he/she’s talking about!! He/she helped me with my situation!! :D Plus, that’s what I said, so we must think the same. :P

Answer #3

Hold on they are 15… yea I’m sorry you can’t even get married legally at 15 nor are you recognized as an adult by the state, I agree Juliet and romeo are fictional wait a few years I met my man when I was 15 and fell in love but I’m almost 19 and still with him but not engaged bc we want to wait, I guess whatever makes you happy though, thing is people don’t take 15 year olds seriously.. so being married at that age is just well…dumb.

Answer #4

Romeo and Juliet were not only FICTIONAL, it is also the worst possible example of teen impulsivity. They both died remember? And it was all because of a series of misunderstandings which led to impulsive teen acts. I dont think I’d flip. They cant get married till they’re 18 without parental consent. If they last that long, not only will they be unique, but then it will be their choice…

Answer #5

I wouldnt go off on them but I think theyre just two kids lost in their own little world, too dumb to look at the big picture. but if they really think theyre in love, then thats great for them :)

Answer #6

I think it’s super sweet. my friends are 15 and they got married and they’re really in love. I don’t see anything wrong with it, but I think they shuld make sure that this is really the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. if they really love each other and he proposed than I would be sure to be happy for them.

Answer #7

yeah 15? just forget it… you guys wil regret if you guys get married just because you guys wna…

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