Love & Relationships Questions

  1. What do I do with a guy like this?
  2. Why is it hard to forget my ex who is in love with his ex?
  3. what do I do about a girl who wants to fight me for a stupid guy?
  4. What should I do about these dumb girls at school?
  5. Why he said that when I asked him does he loves me?
  6. How do you know whether a girl loves you or not?
  7. When I say, "If you love me you will" and my girlfriend says "no" does...?
  8. why-do guys like whn a girl puts her arm and his whn their wlkn...?
  9. What would you do if you were up 3 am was feeling a bit frisky?
  10. Why do I get really gross out and uncomfortable while watching it?
  11. Why would anyone seriously have a foot fetish...??
  12. Why do people lie about being raped?
  13. Who think this naked prank isn't brother-sister love?
  14. How do you know when your hymen or cherry has been popped?
  15. why do I feel like crap all the time?
  16. When my boyfriend fingered me, I started bleeding, what does that mean?
  17. How do I stop this stuff?
  18. What/when/where is the best way to get hot?
  19. How can I know if my friend was hitting on me?
  20. why should I not b tha bigger person?
  21. What does a guyz cum taste like??
  22. How far should you go on a first date?
  23. Who here would meet someone in real life from the internet?
  24. What can we talk about?
  25. How do I do this, I'm totally lost?
  26. What: Lose Him?
  27. What do you think?
  28. What race do you like?
  29. How can I break up with my girlfriend in the least painful way?
  30. What is the next level?
  31. What vagina is too big when it's wet?
  32. why do I feel something missing in my life when I have everything?
  33. what should I do?!! boys and girls please look!! opinions ?
  34. What are some good tips for breaking up with your boyfriend?
  35. Why do guys like boobs?
  36. What should I say to him, after he kissed me earlier?
  37. When do you know your marriage is going fine?
  38. What should I say to my boyfriend when we're on msn and bored ?
  39. What should I do about a boyfriend situation?
  40. What... Does this sound weird?
  41. How can I not be clingy but be nice and fun with my girlfriend?
  42. What should I do when my friends leave me out?
  43. What is wrong with interracial dating?
  44. How can you get a guy to like you?
  45. Why does my boyfriend no longer seem intrested with me?
  46. How can I live without her?
  47. Why is it so awkward when saying goodbye online to him?
  48. What is a good way to make convisason with a girl I like?
  49. What to do when your boyfriend is in boston and your in fl+its your bday?
  50. Where is an interesting place to hang out?
  51. How do I move on after getting badly rejected by a boy?
  52. How can I get the guy I like to want me?
  53. What is the most romantic way to say "I Love You"?
  54. What do I do about me so called bestfreind?
  55. What should I do my best friend keeps copying me |:?
  56. What could be her issue?
  57. How can I get a girl to go out with me if I can't ask her?
  58. Why is my boyfriend acting like this?
  59. What are some funny pick up lines?
  60. What; Do you think what Pain and I did was wrong?
  61. Why does my boyfriend always say hes buisy?
  62. How do you feel up a girl?
  63. How do you know if your good enough for your boyfriend?
  64. What do you think? Does she?
  65. What does it mean if he doesn't fallow through with anything?
  66. what to do with my relationship with my boyfriend?
  67. Why is it purple?
  68. What does this mean for my relationship with my boyfriend?
  69. why doesn't my friend listen to me?
  70. What do I do if I like a guy and he-likes me how do I know?
  71. Who did you have your first kiss with?
  72. Who? Anyone else been in a love rectangle?
  73. what do I do if the girl I like simply wont let me finger her?
  74. What is this a friendship or relationship?
  75. why do I feel diz way?
  76. why doesnt he ask me out?
  77. how can I make my parents to let me go to my boyfriends house?
  78. Who else gets a ton of questions about love from their friends?
  79. What's up with hair bumbs ?
  80. what should I do my man is in jail and its his first time in love?
  81. what to do does this guy like me or not?
  82. How do I let him know I miss him?
  83. why would he invite me to his house?
  84. My friend keeps copying people, what should I do?
  85. why do people fanny fart and what is it?
  86. What is the best kind of butt?
  87. How do I help my meth-addicted ex boyfriend?
  88. what is the age diffrence in going out with some one?
  89. Why am I being angry at everyone I care about for no reason?
  90. why do my nipples itch?
  91. Who can help me with my guy trouble?
  92. What should I do with boyfriend issues?
  93. What is the best way to caress a girls butt to where she wont slap?
  94. Why do girls sit on your lap?
  95. what should I do with my girlfriends party habits?
  96. How to ask a guy to winterfest in a creative way?
  97. what romantic yet simple thing can I do?
  98. How can I show this guy that I'm interested?
  99. Why am I more attracted to girls then boys? Am I bi?Am I a lesbian?
  100. What can I do, if anything?