Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Who else hasnt had there first kiss?
  2. Who. Does he really love me or is it lust?
  3. What does it mean when a guy came?
  4. Why I cant get her out of my head?
  5. What ! should I do?
  6. What should I do about this guy?
  7. What would you do if your spouse is falling out of love with you?
  8. What can I do for a guy to ask him to morp?
  9. Who::: are you inlove?
  10. How do I ask out a boy I already dated?
  11. How do I tell this guy off?
  12. How would you describe making out?
  13. How to get this guy to like me!?
  14. How can I get this girl to like me?
  15. How do I tell a guy I like him without even saying anything to him?
  16. How do I break up with my girlfriend without hurting her feelings??
  17. How do you know it's the right thing, when it hurts so bad?
  18. When did you give head the first time?
  19. What is the real problem?
  20. What position do you girls like when getting eaten out?
  21. What is it supposed to be like when I cum?
  22. What should I do now with my pregnant ex girfriend?
  23. Why do I get wet so fast?
  24. How do I get my boyfriend to stop asking other girls out?
  25. Which hand shoud I wear it on?
  26. how do I respond to two worded : lol..haha?
  27. What is the next step after holding hands?
  28. What do I do on a date?
  29. How can I figure out whats going on with my ex? HELP! ?
  30. What do I do when my boyfriend fingers me?
  31. What to do after I managed to get his number?
  32. How would you know if the guy you're talking to likes you?
  33. How can I go out with a guy that has a girlfriend?
  34. Should I talk to her about it ?
  35. Why did I queef when I was giving head?
  36. How can you tell when you're fallin in love?
  37. what to do if I told my parents that I broke up with my girlfriend?
  38. how to use a vibrator?
  39. how to man materbate?
  40. How do you know if your boyfriends cheating on you?
  41. how do I make it so making out with my b/f isnt akward?
  42. Who can help me decide if my hymen broke?
  43. what should I do, should I tell her I like her?
  44. How can I tell if my boyfriend is cheating?
  45. what does a open relationship mean?
  46. How can I just forget and be happy and normal?
  47. Why wont he stop?
  48. what is with this girl (girls answer this please)?
  49. What would you do if your boyfriend told you this?
  50. Where can I marry at the age of 15?
  51. What is a really good way to impress him?
  52. what is 69 like?
  53. how do I get out of a love triangel ?
  54. what is a good way to get a girlfriend?
  55. who: do you think its weird going out with a girl thats a year older?
  56. How do I deal with a guy who is in denial and has a girlfriend?
  57. What do I do I'm 14 and I like this girl?
  58. how can you tell if its the rite thing to break up with some one?
  59. what should I do im in love?
  60. how would you explain the perfect kiss?
  61. How can my love and I unite? Is there any hope?
  62. How should I tell my boyfriend I want to kiss?
  63. Why do you think he doesn't call?
  64. what to expect when my boyfriend goes into the marines?
  65. How do you get over a guy fast life you truly love them?
  66. How do I get guys to like me!?
  67. When is a good time to ditch a friend?
  68. What should I say to myboyfriend when he doesnt talk that much?
  69. How can I make my friends solve their own problems?
  70. Why is breaking up so hard to do?
  71. Why dosent he ask me out?
  72. When I have an awkward first date should I do a second?
  73. how do you tease him to make him want more?
  74. how can I tell if my husband is tired of being with me?
  75. What should I do if my girlfriend isn't completely over her ex?
  76. How to convince get help for the sake of our relationship?
  77. What should I do?I lied about my identity, will he ever forgive me?
  78. Why couldn't I tell when he was fingering me?
  79. what do I do? my guyfriend likes to dress in girl clothes!?
  80. Why havent I had a girlfriend for so long?
  81. would a 15-year-old go out with a 13-year-old?
  82. How to makeout for the first time?
  83. Why all this happening on me only?
  84. How can I get over how shallow I am?
  85. how my exgirlfriend wants to go back out but wont?
  86. Why wont he make up his mind with me?
  87. Why is it that when I finger myself all I fell is pressure ?
  88. Why do people say it's wrong to date someone online?
  89. Why does she make me jeolus?
  90. Why is he making me jealous?
  91. Why do I still love him when he broke me?
  92. how is it right to say( you was the one I loved)..?
  93. how do you girls love guys to act and deal with you?
  94. What should I do if he hasn't texted me in a week?
  95. what will you do if you're jealous of someone?
  96. What opinion do guys have on giving your g/f a ring?
  97. How do I get him to care again?
  98. Can't decide what to do.. ex boyfriend or current boyfriend?
  99. What does tongue kissing feel like??
  100. How do I tell a guy I like him without ruining our friendship?