What ! should I do?

Kay, so I have this friend I just met her this year, and I met some of her friends, and liked one of them. The next day she told him I thought he was gay & said hes ugly & I hate him. Everytime I meet someone new she does this. And when I confront her she denys it and gets mad. Shes very jealous. And tells a lot of lies, me & all our friends notice, she’ll tell us all different stories about the same thing, and its getting annoying, shes taking kickboxing and all that, so she tends to hit us, and just keeps doing it cause we all know shes stronger then us. And we’ve all tried things please help ?

Answer #1

Just ignore her… she got a bad attitude and so she shouldn’t receieve any attention. The more people listens to her, the more she thinks she got control to do anything she wants to. Her kickboxing is nothing to be scared. If she attacks you with it, you can use it against her since you’re not resolving to violence like she is. If you don’t make her learn her place then she’ll always be like this or get possibly worse when she grows up. The way she is acting makes me wonder if she needs some sort of help, cause I wouldn’t call that very normal behaviour that she makes so much a fuss. I think you should also try and talk with your parents/friends/teachers about it to figure out what is going on since she is acting this way.

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