Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Middle school relationship
  2. Do these words mean he likes me or not?
  3. Having a nice rack?
  4. Self pleasure techniques for girls?
  5. What does holding hands mean to guys?
  6. Where should he send it?
  7. My boyfriend is in jail
  8. How to get my boyfriend to not cheat on me?
  9. Should I dump him for my ex?
  10. Would you still be friends with her?
  11. Gay/Straight Alliance
  12. What's the difference between shyness and social anxiety?
  13. Friend problems
  14. 18 year old dating 16 year old
  15. Does cum smell?
  16. Is his biting fetish strange?
  17. Would you marry someone you met online?
  18. Is my best friend pregnant?
  19. What is going on with my love life ?
  20. How to forget my boyfriend's suicide attempt?
  21. How do you make friends with girls?
  22. What does fingering mean?
  23. Should I shave and how?
  24. To say I love you or not to say I love you
  25. Calton crew
  26. Im 15 , he's 18--is that bad?
  27. Should I pretend like everything will be OK?
  28. Rumors that he's flirting
  29. Should I confront him?
  30. please tell me
  31. Why are girls so difficult?
  32. Why is he still with me?
  33. Just broke up with my boyfriend
  34. How can I toss him off
  35. Why is her mom being so rude?
  36. How to get her to stop freaking out about this guy?
  37. How to give a girl head?
  38. Slapping my a**?
  39. He's amazing but I dont think he likes me
  40. He's driving me insane!
  41. Should I talk to him?
  42. Crying Because I Love Him
  43. My boyfriend just got admitted to hospital for thoughts of suicide
  44. Say "Yes" or "No"
  45. How do I forget about these guys?
  46. Do I leave her just for him?
  47. How do you know if someone's gay?
  48. Sisters Dating Older Guy- What to do.
  49. Why cant she kiss good?
  50. What if my friends won't like my crush?
  51. Making out/ Practice
  52. How can I be the perfect girlfriend?
  53. If he gets sent away, I wont know what to do
  54. Broken Heart
  55. Very sad over guy problems
  56. Why do I feel like this?
  57. I dont want to be too over-self confident
  58. What does this dream mean about a girl I think is a lesbian mean?
  59. I want a guy like him or I want him
  60. Should I go back out with my ex?
  61. Marriage problems
  62. Still in love with my ex
  63. Being threatened by a girl at school
  64. Judging before you know someone?
  65. We he lose interest?
  66. Womens minds during a blowob?
  67. Would you date your cousin?
  68. What is the most surveys posted in one hour?
  69. Becoming Attractive to other girls
  70. How do you know if you're gay?
  71. Trust with boyfriend
  72. What does love feel like?
  73. Weird love
  74. How to position myself?
  75. My "BFF" started rumors then took my guy!
  76. An opinion of love
  77. Is it wrong to get back with him?
  78. What average weight should a girl be at 16 and a height of 5'1?
  79. Trouble having orgasms
  80. What if I want more than one best friend?
  81. What do you think of gay marriage
  82. Committment issues?
  83. My life is messed up
  84. Girly boy name
  85. Does age difference matter?
  86. Barely know him but I think I like him
  87. What is Premature Ejaclation?
  88. I'm confused about this guy but sick of being single
  89. What is a second cousin?
  90. Why do they seem like they hurt?
  91. I always keep in the back of my mind that we will break up
  92. How do I tell my ex im not interested anymore?
  93. Best friends girlfriend.
  94. Is it just insecurity?
  95. Should we be friends?
  96. Do most women like eating out other women?
  97. My Ex called me from jail.
  98. Top or Bottom, which do guys prefer?
  99. Don't like my boyfriend's family
  100. Smart, or dork?