I'm confused about this guy but sick of being single

I like this guy; since 6th grade really; we “went out” then (basically he asked my friend (now ex friend) if I liked him and we had been emailing for awhile (2 months!) and I was so head over heels for him! He was/is the sweetest guy i’ve ever known plus he really seemed to like me too. Actually I knew he was into me, he’s been into me. But after we were “official” I don’t know what it was, but it was like… I didn’t like him anymore but I did. It was odd. I would think about him outside of school and always be like omg I like him so much and I love talking to him. I loved that sense of security, strength, and that someone really liked me and would ask me how my day went. You know someone to care about me! But when I saw him my feelings just disappeared! I don’t understand what happened to them. But then outside of school I would miss him! Perhaps I got “cold feet” on our “relationship” because someone had spread it to the whole school and you understand how 6th graders can be. Well now fast forward to 8th grade and for the past 2 years we’ve been over… but sort of on and off. We both kind of still had feelings for each other but then just now (well a month ago really) he started dating this girl he had dated last year for a bit. My sources (aka my best friend who’s like a sister to the guy I like) let me know that he’s only into this girl for her chest and that she thinks he still really likes me deep down. Well this brought out some big feelings in me because I had never really gotten over him. He was the first guy I truly liked. But I never knew if I liked him or the fact that he would be my “bf” you know… now, I want him back; so badly! I cannot stop thinking about him and we’ve started to text outside of school because we have no classes together. Now I think I really want to know if he genuinely likes this girl and if he does ill back off. But if he doesn’t, I want him to break up with her and date me! But the only way to achieve this goal, because this guy is very private and not even his best friends know the answer to my question, but I don’t even know if this guy is even into me! So now in 2 weeks i’m going to ask him straight up do you like this girl? If you do, ill back off. But if you don’t, do you like me?

Please help, this took awhile to type (and read) Thank you ohsomuch! Confused in denial, M

Answer #1

the first person you truly like or love is really hard to get over.. and what happened in 6th grade shouldn’t really matter.. you’re a couple years older and more mature and know what goes on and all.. just start talking to him if you’re not, and see if he’s happy with her.. if not, tell him you still have feelings for him

Answer #2

well if you already know what you’re going to do, what are you asking help for?

Answer #3

wow I know how you feel kind of same dilema if youll see on my page question is is wrong to get back with him longer becaused its detailed well I say go for it try hanging out with him flirt enough to be a questionable firting like is she sayin this for fun or does she like me when the time is right say do you really like whatsherface or do you like? dont say you leave it like that then if he says who just be like forget it just answer do you like her if yes game over if no still got a chance then ask who remember ask do you genuinely homestly with all your heart like this chick becaise like and LIKE are two different things I know fomt ever want to get them mixed up again

Answer #4

OK.. this goes back to Nicole Dawn’s answer. I dont know what I’m going to do or if I even have the courage to ask him that because I know if it get shut down.. im going to start crying. I don’t even know if he wants to “give it another try” with me again because of the way I acted during our “last relationship” in 6th grade!!! But I dont think we ever got over each other…

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