He's driving me insane!

This guy at school has a mega-crush on me. I’ve tried to let him down nicely, telling him I’m not interested like that and that I’d like to stay friends. He keeps emailing and calling me, though, asking me personal questions and spilling his guts to me. I try to be honest with him, too, but on a controlled level, yet he pries information about me from other people. Then, when he screws up and I have to fix things, he blows up at me and then says how much he likes me. Everytime I try to drive him away, he just sticks tighter. What do I do?

Answer #1

There’s only one thing I think. Ignore him, as hard as it can be just ignore him, it’ll come a point when he gets tired and he’ll stop. If not just talk with a friend of yours and ask him to do you the favour of hooking up with you enfront of him. Hope it helps!!!

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