Being threatened by a girl at school

This girl is sending threatening txts to me, and spreading nasty rumors…I haven’t spoken to her all year, but I’ve heard her ex (that she cheated on) has a crush on me and that might be the reason. what should I do??

Answer #1

I think maybe you should nicely and easily confront her about her actions so you can put the situation to bed. If you talk with her about the problem, maybe you can solve it. Now, I’m a guy and girls usually have more sense about them than guys, so you might be able to work it out without any sort of altercation.

I hope you figure this out


Answer #2

You need to report the threatening text messages if you feel she is a danger to you.

Answer #3

Just tell her to get down off her dramallamma and chill out, she cheated on him so she just needs to back off.

Answer #4

dont worry about it if you act like it doesnt bother you she will eventualy stop she is just being petty and childish

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