Should I shave and how?

im 15 and I wouldnt really care if I was making out and being fingered but the one thing is I dont want him to spread gossip and stuff and how should I shave?

Answer #1

Get real - guys your age like to brag - the Best Plan: get your education, ring , date, marriage, reach financial stability, then adult activities.

Answer #2

oh I forgot this one, one thing that I hate about some of the people on here is they give advice to little kids that they would give to an adult. these kids come on here to get advice because they are looking for help so lets help them and let them know when they are doing something wrong, and when they are doing something right. We should not be educating a 15 yr old girl on how to get fingered by friend in school and worried about him telling somebody (stephanie987) what if your baby girl was the one asking the question what advice would you want her to get for people? and I think thats a question that each one of us should ask ourself before we give advice.


Answer #3

please be shure you like this guy enough to let him do this…it can be fun…but you should be in a relationship to do this that way even if he blabs…which every guy will because theyre so horny..and they want to show they got experience…ull be together so it dont matter…this is bery intimate make shure your ready and not just doing this out of curiosity.

Answer #4

If you are scared of him spreading gossip, then you obviously don’t trust him 100%. I think you should wait until you trust him enough to do that and be an adult about it. About shaving… just do whatever is comfortable. If you do want to shave, when your done hold a warm cloth on the shaved area to prevent bumps. It feels really weird the first few times.

Answer #5

ok this is how its going to go. You’re 15 and I’m guessing that he’s 16 or 17. You guys are going to make out and you are going to let him put his finger up you. You are going to like it and then hes going to want to take it to the next level where he put his penis inside of you. You are not going to want to do that so he is going to leave and when he see his friends he is going to tell them that he had sex with you. and every time you walk past them they are going to laugh or/and hit on you, wanting and hoping to be next to have sex with you. You are 15 you should not be thinking about getting fingered. Im going to tell you like I tell every other little girl that I speak to learn your body.


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