Why do I feel like this?

Well I was out today with my brother and his friends and the boy I really like (see my prev question) came with his friends and started skating and all that. I felt kind of stupid and I couldnt make eye contact with him at all.

I couldn’t even look anywhere near him. I randomly feel really sad and down cause I feel like I’m not good enough and that I looked like an idiot.

Why do I feel like this?

Answer #1

lol, its nothing to worry about. Everyone gets those aquard moments. But now you know what not to do next time so your making progress with him. eye contact is huge, once you get that work in from their

Answer #2

Ok, well maybe you are just shy, you should just go ahead and open up to him, talk to him about how you feel… and maybe it will up your confidence around him.. good luck. :]

Answer #3

I’m actually having pretty much the same problem :/

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