Crying Because I Love Him

I Love My Friend Jordan so much, but he lives too far away for us to even meet again. I Just Cried For Half An Hour Because He Has But In His Msn name,” I Love _, My MoonPig ;]]’’ I Just Couldn’t Understand What he means, One Time He Said to Me on msn (J-Jordan, M-Me),

J: ‘I Like This Girl, but she lives too far away,’ M: Aw, How far away does She live?’ J: ‘I dunno,’ M: What? xD Well Tell me Where She lives. J: You Tell Me M: How am I meant to know?!? xD J: You Hang Around with her 24/7. M: Ellie? (My best friend) J :L No, Silly moonpig. M: Who then?? J: I g2g you’ll figure it out.

I think that means he likes me. as he’s only talk to esme once. I Hate not seeing him. It hurts me so much, Today I almost cried on the bus because, ‘Imaginary, by evanessance’ Came on my Ipod. I love him, I cant tell him.

I thought of everything to write here when I was cring, But I have forgotten it all now.

Any advice? (About Jordan, Not my memory loss problem.) Ty if you comment.

Answer #1

Yeahh haha I really think he likes you!! but I really have no idea what you can do in situation like that, it depends how far away he lives I guess!!

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