Should we be friends?

well me and one of my best friends always always fight over stupid things and ughh. well this one boy I have lyked since november asked me to hang with hym today. and she new how really really important it was for me and she goes and says ‘’ he aint going to show up he dosent like you because your ugly and he stood you up” and then she said she would be back and she ditched me! and said she forgot all about me. and so I dont no wht I should do…I mean should we be friends or…?

Answer #1

you guys needa grow up. fighting over guys is stupid bc in the end, they USUALLY aren’t there for you anyways.

Answer #2

no I wouldnt >>wit a person like that, I wouldn’y b friends wit her she not even a friend, she shouldnt tell you those mean things about how your ugly and how he dont like u…how does she know? she should actually b happy 4 you and b on your side, mayb she likes the same guy and is just jealous… hope this helped good luck :)

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