Love & Relationships Questions

  1. A question for men
  2. I need help with this other guy
  3. Ex and now boyfriend help!
  4. How is she going to react?
  5. How do you know when a guy likes you?
  6. Can you be friends with your ex?
  7. My sister babys daddy is cheating!
  8. Do I like him like a boyfriend?
  9. Boyfriend and his ex
  10. My secound problem with a boy who is like my brother
  11. My ex boyfriend
  12. Guys help! does he like me ?
  13. Me and my boyfriend
  14. How to flirt
  15. Crush trouble
  16. What should I do about this?
  17. My friend is afraid whats going to happen to us, please help
  18. How do I tell him without hurting his feelings?
  19. How to make our lovemaking more attractive?
  20. would you date a guy who cheated before?
  21. My boyfriends bestfriend
  22. Playing boyfriend
  23. What to do regarding two men?
  24. Fell for someone
  25. What should I do
  26. Hard to tell him I want something
  27. Which girl should I stay with?
  28. Personalities mean more, right?
  29. Am I too young to say in love?
  30. Go for him, or dont even bother?
  31. Strong feelings for my friend
  32. Is it possible to trust him again?
  33. In love with my guy friend?
  34. Do long distance relationships work?
  35. Was it right for me to fight
  36. I do not exist...hope you like it..
  37. Why is he two-faced?
  38. when I wear jeans or pants people tell me that I have a good butt.
  39. I need help
  40. What do you think romantic is?
  41. When I wear jeans people tell me that I have a good butt .
  42. Pete Wentz married
  43. Asking a girl out
  44. We never get a chance to be alone.
  45. How to deal with my boyfriends ex wanting him back?
  46. How to dodge awkward pauses?
  47. How old is old enough?
  48. Missing my boyfriend
  49. Brother's best friend
  50. How to tell your friend that you like him
  51. What do I do about these groups and drama?
  52. Mad at me for no reason?
  53. Do you think I am ready?
  54. Best Friend moving to Florida
  55. I just want to classify something...
  56. Why does he like me?
  57. When do girls start fingering?
  58. I think I love this guy
  59. What do I do?
  60. How to deal with my ex boyfriend
  61. Girls and a hottub
  62. Sister's boyfriend found out she's pregnant
  63. Possessiveness and control
  64. Should I hit him?
  65. How can I get him back?
  66. How to get over him?
  67. Unfaithful and my daughter will suffer
  68. If I am on my period should I let someone finger me ?
  69. How do I know if I like girls?
  70. Best way to keep in contact with school friends over the summer?
  71. How to tell if you're in love?
  72. Songs About Love
  73. Confused about love
  74. Cuddling with your girlfriend
  75. Does this mean you're ugly?
  76. Does he love me?
  77. Being ready to settle down
  78. I saw her cheat on him
  79. No local boyfriends is that weird?
  80. How do you tell someone that you hate her?
  81. My Boyfriends Ex
  82. He has another boyfriend in other country
  83. What would you think?
  84. Why won't he mind his own business?
  85. What should I do/does god exist?
  86. Does he want to be with me or his wife?
  87. How to tell when I'm horny?
  88. what should I do to get my mind off of this?
  89. Forgive and forget?
  90. Friend told the counselor something
  91. Can he help the feeling he gets?
  92. Did I do the right thing?
  93. I need help giving my boyfriend the best night of his life
  94. Should I take her shirt off?
  95. How do I get my confidence up?
  96. Unsupportive friends
  97. Both dating the same person
  98. Heartbroken by a stupid boy that I still like
  99. How can I let the boy I like know that I like him?
  100. Why do people lose their virginity so young?