Playing boyfriend

My boyfriend is always playing around, calling me fat and ugly and stuff.but I dont get mad or upset or I dont show it. But then when I start playing around and calling him gay and ugly and stuff, he gets mad and starts yelling at me.he also told my cousin that he is really in love with me and he tells me that he wants to lose his virginaty to me and I dont think I am ready. With all his playing around it made me get to the point were I dont want to go with him and we have only been together for a week. I knew him for a while and I dont know if I can trust him because when he had a girlfriend before he was still trying to get with me…what should I do about him??

Answer #1

You should give it time. 1 week in a relationship means your still betting to know this person. You said that you have known him for a while(friends maybe?), well in that case think of it like this

“A relationship is an extension of a friendship, with the addition of intimatcy on both parts”

So at this point you are still trying to convert a friendship and understand each others ups and downs, turn offs and turn ons. Tell him that you dont like it, or that it truely hurts you if you have to and vice-versa.

The fact that he was trying to get with you while he was with someone else is and CAN be taken in different ways. Esspecially if you were not clear on weather or not he was friendly flirting with you or trying to cheat on his girlfriend.

Just dont be afraid to speak up Hope I Helped! :)

Answer #2

For one thing, one week is not a very long time. And if he wants to have sex with you already then he’s probably just using you. And about the whole joking around with you thing, you should tell him you want a serious relationship and that his jokes are annoying and immature.

Answer #3

One week is definitely not enough time to know someone especially fall in love with you. He sounds really imature, tell him you don’t like him calling you names just like he doesnt appreciate you calling him names. If his not mature enough to stop you need to dump him and find yourself someone who really apprciates you and treats you the way you wanted be treated. Don’t allow him to lower you and especially affect your self esteem. Hope you make the right choice. Good Luck!

Answer #4

a WEEK?! um, he’s a liar. he’ll tell you and your cousin anything to get in your pants. he’s not in love with you. seriously, this guys a huge asshole calling you fat and ugly.. um you better slap him upside the head! dump him, one week is totally not worth it. he’s horndog who just wants you for sex. what normal human being says he’s in love after 1 week? an idiot, that’s who. he’s trying to sweet talk you into sleeping with him. dump him he’s no gentleman.

unlike the person above me, I would definitely not give it time. there’s no point. all he’s doing is using you and putting you down. and you’re only 13/14. give time for WHAT? so he can call you more names? so he can yell at you some more? he’s pathetic. and by your profile it says you are depressed and even suicidal. being with an asshole who only puts you down is definitely not going to help you.

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