What should I do about this?

ok so I have a problem. I used to be anorexic. It was worse. But to be honest I still have a lot of the same habits as I did. Well so any way last night me and two friends were on the phone talking to my boyfriend and his friend. I said I didnt feel good, and then my friends went all crazy on me. They told my boyfriend that I never eat anything and overexersise. And he believed them, because he noticed to. My boyfriend and I talked for a bit and I told him it was true. He said we would talk tommorow. and thats today, so tonite when I talk to him I need some help on what to say. Thanks:)

Answer #1

just explain it to him, be upfront and honest and if there is no longer a problem then you have nothing to worry about by being honest. tell him you still have some issues and some of the same habits but you are working on them.

Answer #2

say that you used to be anorexic but you stoped and you still have some habits but you are still healthy…nothing to worry about. and try to eat a little more in front of him and your friends but dont over do it. GOOD LUCK!!!:)

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