Boyfriend and his ex

umm so my boyfriend and his ex started talking and he said that they agreed that they missed being friends…and he assured me that it wasnt going to go anywhere…but I dont like it! it wouldnt bother me if I didnt live 400 miles away but I don’t know what to do! please give me so advice!! im like practically crying

Answer #1

Try trusting him first. Unless he has a history of going behind your back, then you have nothing to worry about. You never know he may have been true to his word. If you have any suspiscions of him fooling around then talk to him and tell him how you feel.

Answer #2

ill do that!!!

Answer #3

tell him you dont like the idea…if he can’t respect your wishes he isn’t worth it.

Answer #4

well I’ve told him that and I trust that he wont do anything but I don’t know im all confused and such

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