Unsupportive friends

This is going to sound really stupid but I need advice so I dont make the wrong dis!! I really love my boyfriend, he makes me feel special and we work really well togeather. And then you have my best friends at times we are the best of friends but she can be a biach some times and cant ever keep my secrets.

Well my friend is being really weird about my boyfriend, she gets really stroppy when I spend time with him, and goes all weird and wont talk to or listen to me when I talk about him.

In a way she is making me choose my friend or my boyfriend!!! I really dont understand it they used to be such good friends, is she jealous does she like him.

I want to keep him and her, but if she is the one making me choose then it is him that I will go for.

I need them both but its my friend that being weird

Please help a girl in need thanx a lot xxx

Answer #1

Be cool and just breath!! Have you asked your friend why she wont talk to you when your havin 1 on 1 time. I know this may b difficult but why dont you do your pros and your cons everybody has ups and downs ( 1 for your boyfriend, and 1 for your best friend) then it should be a lot easier for you to make that choice.

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