Can you be friends with your ex?

I broke up with my ex a few years ago for personal reasons. It was really hard for us to be normal at first and now finally we are beginning to talk without fighting. However its still really awkward because I feel we both have changed so much that it seems I barely know him anymore. When I talk to him now I get easilly annoyed and frustrated but something inside me always wants to make it work and for us to be friends. What are your guys’ take on being friends with your ex, and what do you think I should do?

Answer #1

It depends on how the relationship ended. If it was a mutual agreement to endi t, then yes. If it ended in a hostile way, it might take a few months or even a few years for a friendship to be on the way.

Answer #2

The only way a ex’s can be friends is if it was a mutual breakup as candiecanyne said, and there are NO emotional feelings for one another.

Answer #3

Of course its fine to be friends with your ex! I am with almost every single one of mine. The others, well I just dont talk to. I use to get annoyed and frusterated too with one oh my ex’s. I ended up blocking him on msn about a year ago and just recently unblocked him a bout 2 weeks ago. We are still a tiny bit akward but we still talk. So just try and get over the akwardness :)


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