Go for him, or dont even bother?

Theres this guy I know and his really cute and nice but I havent known him for long he says his not the typical type of guy like the players and stuff but I dno if he is just being someone whos not really the true him. Me and him talk heaps over msn and we get along really well. Im starting to really like him but I dno if I should just bail because I dont want him to turn out to be one of those players. Why do guys have to be so complicated.

Answer #1

honestly, girls are just as confusing. besides that thought you should get to know him more…kind of go on a group date…where its like a date except your more with friends… and if comething “clicks” then date him and keep an eye on him to make sure he isn’t a player :)

Answer #2

I understand a lot of guys seem to be the “player type” but you can’t base one on all. If I were you I’d go for him and give him a shot. You never know he could be into you too but if don’t tell him then you just might later on regret it.

Answer #3

Ok, well you have to understand that a lot of guys are like that…and that is what gives the player rep. to all guys but, not ALL guys are exactly like that…so what I would do is give him a shot..you never really know untill you try, and if he turns out to be a douche, just let him go, but if not..keep him around, it could lead to much more, anyways, good luck…

xx. superfresh. :D

Answer #4

You shouldnt just bail out on him, especaily if you like him. You should give him a chance, and maybe try to find out moer about him, like maybe ask him how many girlfriends hes had before or how longs his realationships last. Then take that info you get from him and decide if you still want to bail, or if you would rather give him a try.

Good luck, fun mail me if oyu want more advice. -Tizz

Answer #5


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