Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Married with feelings for married friend?
  2. What if you like someone
  3. Any advice on how to make it up to her?
  4. Is he cheating?
  5. First date with my ex?
  6. Should we take a break?
  7. Do guys like when girls are all over them?
  8. Girls: eaten out or fingered?
  9. Is your first time awkward?
  10. Why guys?
  11. How long was your longest relationship?
  12. The friend or the guy?
  13. How to decide who to choose?
  14. Going to college in indiana?
  15. Should I ask him out?
  16. Should you pull out when using a condom?
  17. What does this mean?
  18. Why did he just leave?
  19. Why doesnt he take the choice of calling me himself?
  20. girlfriend always said fingering is pointless, is it?
  21. What does he want to tell me?
  22. I really like this boy
  23. I need guys advice
  24. Do guys like this?
  25. I need help
  26. Why do boys do this
  27. How to get over him or make him like me again
  28. My ex bestfriend is with my ex please help
  29. How do you know what love is
  30. I have just admitted I am a crossdresser
  31. How can I get undepressed about a guy?
  32. Three boyfriends likes them all
  33. Rumors suck, does anybody agree?
  34. Dated for no reason!
  35. What can I do?
  36. What is the age of statutory rape?
  37. Friends girlfriend Might Be Pregnant, what should she do?
  38. Am I a freak because I don't believe in marriage?
  39. Honk when you're horny?
  40. Ways to let out anger?
  41. Boy and mate problems
  42. I love him!
  43. Female orgasm
  44. Would I be doing the wrong thing?
  45. Should I ask him out by phone, friend, or in person?
  46. My friend's funeral and my boyfriends birthday are on the same day
  47. Questions about orgasms
  48. I need help what to do?
  49. Why do guys have different smells?
  50. If I seem to flirt with every girl
  51. Love triangle, I deserve him!
  52. Ask or not ask
  53. I feel like my life just been going down hill
  54. Younger Relationship
  55. Somethings You Hate?
  56. Why did he do this
  57. What would you say to Synyster Gates?
  58. How do I find out if he likes me?
  59. Graduate school versus family
  60. I want to slap him upside his head!!!
  61. Boyfriend breaks up with me over myspace
  62. Why does my boyfriend have sticky lips?
  63. Everybodys mad! Whos fault was it really?
  64. I don't want to break my boyfriend's heart
  65. Boyfriend who's driving me crazy
  66. Couple poses
  67. I got the cops called on me tonight.
  68. Getting high with the boys
  69. Please help me with making out
  70. Should I pay more attention to my close guy friend?
  71. When your going down on a guy?.
  72. Why do girls need time with everything?
  73. Does he think we are dating?
  74. Natural male enhancement
  75. How to get him to love me?
  76. Young love troubles
  77. What are your pickup lines
  78. Do I trust him
  79. A really big mistake
  80. What should I do?
  81. Advice on my friendship
  82. Boyfriend treats me like trash?
  83. What's the matter with being gay?
  84. Is it okay for me to do this??
  85. How can I build up his trust?
  86. Does he want to be more than friends?
  87. Anyway to lose 4lbs before boyfriend gets back?
  88. My mates moving
  89. Distant
  90. Still Confused and dissatisfied
  91. How Can I Make Him Better Himself?
  92. He wants me back
  93. My candygurl
  94. Shes confused
  95. Nervous for when he calls me
  96. Scared to lose my true love
  97. Nothing to look forward to
  98. Fallen for my best friend
  99. Why do girls always go after the bad boys...
  100. Friendship worries