How Can I Make Him Better Himself?

I am 17 and my boyfriend just turn 20 in may. He dropped out of school when he was 18 in the 11th grade. He wants his GED and to go to a community college, but he keep making excuses for not to do it. I think it is because he is scare to better his self or he just really lazy. How do I make him take the test? I love him to death but I don’t see myself taking care of a grown man and then he three years older than me. Something needs to give or I might need to cut him loose? And I really don’t want to!!!

Answer #1

We are women. We are the moral superiors of men. But they are lovable sometimes, especially if you take the wind and piss out of them. However you will have to take care of him all your life anyway. All women do that - we are the serious-minded, responsible ones. We run the home, grow the children, feed them and manage the budget, as well as working, often as not. Men grow up - mature - much slower than we do. You may have to wait until he’s 23 or 24 before he comes to his senses and sees the world cannot be enjoyed if you use it just for your own immediate pleasure. If you can’t wait that long - well, we wouldn’t blame you. But sober sensible boys at 20 can grow into the most boring men later on. What sort of life do you want?

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