Why guys?

Why does it seem like all guys care about is having the hottest girl in school?

Answer #1

Agreed, this isn’t what all guys want. It might be true of the small sample you’ve been paying particular attention to, but saying “every guy wants the hottest girl” is as untrue and sweeping as “blondes are dumb” and “girls just want big penises.”

If you polled a few more guys, I think you would find that many of them are looking for what most of the rest of us want – companionship, love, understanding, respect, stimulation, and devotion. They may still like looking at beauty, of course, but who doesn’t?

Answer #2

I wish I knew. I really do. I have a friend.. I love her to death. she’s always there for me. but she’s a really crappy girlfriend. it’s not that she’s all that cute.. but she has a good body and stuff. it seems like they always want her and dont give other people, who would be really good for them a chance. it’s a shame.. it really is.

Answer #3

actually your wrong not all guys want the hottest girls in school , and if they do its cause they are usually the easiest girls to get but I personally dont care about who’s the hottest

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