Would I be doing the wrong thing?

My name is Kimberly and I’m 16 years old. I am soon to be entering my senior year of high school and of course college is on my mind. What will I major in and most importantly, where will I go? I do have two places in mind where I’d like to attend college. The first place I’d really like to go is located about 2 hours away from home and it offers my dream job in journalism. My second option is only 15 minutes away from home and allows me to be offered a job in early childhood education, which I would like but not as much as I’d love journalism. Anyway… I am also in a serious relationship with who I know is the one for me. His name is Trent and we’ve been together for two years. It’s been the most amazing two years of my life and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He says he’d go with me wherever I decide to go to college which is great but I’m still deciding if I think I should pull him away from friends and family for awhile by going to the college two hours away. I’m wouldn’t be doing it to be mean. I’d just be doing it because it’s my dream job that awaits me and seriously, him and I need to be alone and build our relationship to make it stronger. I’m just not sure what I should do. Do I go to the college 15 minutes away for a job I’d be settling for or do I take my boyfriend two hours away from family and friends for my dream job? Should I let something that I love to do pass me by just because my boyfriend would be further from family and friends? It’s not like he’d be the only one being separted from family and friends because I would be too but I could handle it a lot easier than he could because he’s much closer to his family than I am mine. The decision is still up in the air and I need some help. So any advice is appreciated. Thanks :)

Answer #1

definately go for the job in journalism, because thats your dream job. If you stay here just so he can be close to his family and you can be closer to him and take classes in something you like but dont love, eventually you could resent the fact that you gave up your dream. Also, you never know with relationships…im sure you two are very much in love and it will all work out, but you always have to think about the “what if” …what if in a year or two you two decide its not working out…will it have been worth it to give up your dream job just because the opportunity was 2 hrs away. Follow your heart and take the classes for the job you will love…because you will be doing it for the rest of your life. If you two are meant to be..it will work out..and if he follows you…that was his decision to move from family and friends..not yours..so you shouldnt feel guilty.

Answer #2

Think about your future first. Plus, it’s just 2 hours away. He can always visit his family whenever he wants. Go for your dream job! Good Luck!!! =)

Answer #3

It’s only 2 hours away, regular visits wouldnt be out of the question. He could go home for the weekend if he got home sick. This is the rest of your life you’re talking about. Something you’ll have to do everyday for atleast 30 years (assuming you plan to work). Think about that, isnt a little commute over the next couple of years worth that?

Answer #4

Go for your dream job. You’ll be glad you did it in the long run because you’ll have a job that you LOVE instead of just one you like. Plus 2 hours isn’t really that far away. If your boyfriend doesn’t want to go with you, he could stay at home. He could always come and visit you when he wants to and you could visit him too.

Answer #5

well its are life and if he says hell come with you he prob will so mayb you shud go 2 d 2 hour 1 hope it helps

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