Any advice on how to make it up to her?

(it was me and ashley’s one year anniversary) so I’ve had a sore throat from about 3 weeks and then I started to get an ear infection and a fever. So my mom took me to the hospital and took some blood out of me to run some test. Aparently everything came back negative and I was fine. So they gave me a pill just in case. So I went to walmart to get ashley something really special that I thought she would love and all the sudden I looked at my mom and I was like “mom I dont feel good, mom I dont feel good” and I turned pale white and passout on the floor, and my whole body was numb all over. So my mom called 911. When they got there I woke up and I still felt dizzy. The perimedics came over and asked me if I had anything to eat and I said “no, so will you buy me mc. Donalds?” and they put me on the stroller thing and strapped me in and took blood from me finger. (I loved the attention I got from other people though, I just smiled and waved) so they rolled me out to the ambulance but my mom told them she would drive me since the hospital was right across from the street. So we went back to the hospital and told them what happend. So they laid me down and put a needle in my vein and drew lots of blood. Then put some liquid med. In my vein through a bag. Then they took more blood from my vein (no fun). By all that time ashley came to visit me and she was crying. Of course the whole day at the hospital I was crackin jokes to everyone. So I cheered her up. She gave me a stuffed monkey with an earring in it. I just felt bad because I had nothing to give in return. (what with me passed out and all) so we talked for a while and she had to leave and I was still in sooo much pain. But they eventually let me go home and told us I have an infection somewhere in my body and thats what the fluid in the bag going in my vein was for. So now today I feel better, but I have to take advil once and a every while.

What a great one year anniversary right? =/

Answer #1

Take her to a really nice dinner at a fancy restuarant, but not one too far out of your price range. Or maybe take her to her favorite place to go. Or you could do something that she loves but she knows you don’t like too much. She will be happy. And she probably knows it wasn’t your fault.

Answer #2

awe.well I hope your ok. um well I dont think you really need to make anything up…but I sugest taking her out to a fancy diner and going to a movie,but show up to her house with flowers,a balloon,and chocolate.and when you see her kiss her and give her a big hug and whisper in her here saying im sorry I missed out on our anniversary babe I just want to show you how much I love you and make it up to you.

Answer #3

awww honey you dont need to make anything up to me. im just happy your better now and you liked my gift <33 I love you hunnybuns! haha

Answer #4

and what ohmygosh76 said would be a great way to make it up to her.

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