Love triangle, I deserve him!

I was going out with this guy for awhile and then he broke up with me and I found out that hes going out with a girl 2 years older than him and doesn’t go to our school, they started going out the day after we broke up. I was talking to him about it and he said he like her while we were going out I was mad but I didnt really say anything about it..the sad thing is I kinda still like him =[ what should I do? should I say something to him about it? let it slide? like someone else

Answer #1

Oh my gosh! Forgot about him he’s either a total player or just wants some booty because if he started dating someone first after you broke up then it’s clear he didn’t care about you and never will. You deserve better! Move on find the guy that will love you because it’s clear he doesn’t. If you go back out with this guy it’s only going to happen again believe me it’s happened to my best friend SO MANY TIMES and I’m sick of watching her get hurt but she won’t listen.. so I’m hoping you do, because it’s not worth it.

Answer #2

Find an other b/f. That is the best cure for this pain. A boy who is running for an older girl is not really your ideal guy. Believe me.

Answer #3

Be mature about it, and just let it go! He wasnt worth it right from the beginning. He was lying to you, & cheating on you, is that the kind of guy you really want? Its not like you two were dating for years, it was only 3 weeks. Start setting your standards alittle higher on guys, otherwise you are going to keep dating losers.

Answer #4

first its ok to still have some feelings for him for a short peroid of time. And I think that you should ask him about it, Because if you really want to know then just ask. whats the worst that can happen?

Answer #5

dont make some one a priority if all you are to them is an option.

Answer #6

what am I supposed to ask about it?

Answer #7

he is not worth it. the pain will be there but it goes away.

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