
Well me + My boyfriend have been together for a year + 6 months At the start everything was great we were so close But for about the past month he has been very distant Not wanting to see me not wanting to come up to my house

  • itss not as if we see each other a lot We see each other on a tuesday + a satarday thats the only Days we see each other Its just like any time I ask him if he wants to see me he says he’s either Busy or staying in

Anyyy helpp (:

Answer #1

I agree with part of what gizmo said. Distancing yourself from your girlfriend, being unavailable, uncommunicative, hostile, surly, et cetera, are all classic signs of someone who is pushing his girlfriend towards a breakup but doesn’t have the courage to do it himself. However, you’ll never know for sure unless you have a conversation about it.

If things are headed towards the finale, it’s important to remember that it’s not the end of the world. At a certain age, every relationship can seem like the best, most loving, most important, and most long-lasting relationship of All Time, but not every relationship is meant to be forever. Gather up the good things you got from it and move forward. There are many, many other experiences to be had, and trying to force a relationship to work that isn’t meant to be will only keep you from experiencing something better.

Answer #2

He could be confused about some things, cheating, or distancing himself from you to force you to break up with him. MOST males don’t like to break up first. I’d ask him what’s going on you deserve to know.

Answer #3

I think the best way to know whats going on with him, is to ask him.

dont do it over the phone or online or through texting.

wait untill your together, then say that you really want to talk about sumthing. hopefully he’ll be open and honest, and if he trys to shake it off and say, oh nothings wrong im fine, then just tell him how you’ve been feeling.

once he hears that im sure he’ll have an explanation. wether its the truth or not, well thats what you’ll have to figure out. hope I helped some :]

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