Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Why my girl trippin?
  2. Staring and don't know why?
  3. Would you sell your virginity to pay for college?
  4. Why do guys tease you if they like you?
  5. Love rectangles
  6. What should I do?
  7. I want to track a friend down
  8. Do I forgive her or not?
  9. Confused about my guy friend
  10. Would you go out with a mixed guy?
  11. Teenage pregnancies, any advice?
  12. When does the boy hate the girl forever.
  13. What can he eat to taste better?
  14. How do I know if this guy hates me or likes me?
  15. When to move in together?
  16. How do you ride top I cant get it down?
  17. Figure out his number
  18. What could I do
  19. I like my friend's ex
  20. How Do I Tell Him?
  21. Breaking up
  22. Why is she starting to ignore me?
  23. What would you want from your girlfriend?
  24. Where to go for our 1 year?
  25. What do you do when your friend leaves your life?
  26. There is this guy!
  27. We want to get married
  28. The man I love has a pregnant girlfriend
  29. Do girls like muscular guys?
  30. How do I cum ?
  31. Note, crush, regret, oh crap
  32. Is it my fault!
  33. What should I get my boyfriend for his B-Day??
  34. The Challenge
  35. What is your dream wedding?
  36. I'm So Alone
  37. What are hickies?
  38. Tom Leykis
  39. Im so afraid to go home, but I think ill be forced
  40. Parental problems causing harm to my love life
  41. How can I get her back?
  42. Why do guys ignore you?
  43. Should I believe that she won't cheat again?
  44. What should I get my girlfriend for our one year anniversary?
  45. Does this guy like me or not?
  46. Want to move out
  47. I think I still like my ex
  48. How do I win a boy over when he is going out with someone else?
  49. What age should my cousin date at?
  50. Does This Hurt You Emotionally?
  51. How do you find a boyfriend
  52. How to get him to realize I loved him?
  53. Love Trouble?
  54. Boyfriend is moving
  55. My boyfriend is in jail
  56. Is what I'm doing wrong?
  57. Loves me, or not.
  58. I dont know what to do
  59. Why are punk guys into preppy girls?
  60. Might get a divorce
  61. How do you really know when your in love
  62. Teased like crazy
  63. Do guys like flowers?
  64. You know that guy. . .
  65. How to solve this?
  66. I like this guy a lot
  67. Who knows love
  68. Guys!!! Do you like eye contact?
  69. Should I end it or keep trying?
  70. Guys-how do we forget about them?
  71. Can't stop thnking about him
  72. How do you know if you're tight or not?
  73. My two friends are now dating
  74. Why am I so nice to people but they aren't nice back?
  75. Does My Crush Like Me Back Or Does He Hate Me?
  76. How can I get my boyfriend to stop hurting my feelings?
  77. How do I get him to tell me the truth?
  78. What attracts guys to girls?
  79. This girl at school wants to mob me
  80. Now is he jealous?
  81. Should I give up on her?
  82. Why do they call me names?
  83. Crushes are complicated
  84. Can someone help me
  85. Getting fingered.
  86. Why do I feel uncomfortable around white people
  87. What Can I Do?
  88. Help me with etiquette of wedding rings!!
  89. I want him back
  90. Do you believe this quote?
  91. Days with your worst​ enemy​,​ what do you do?
  92. My best friend is changing schools
  93. Who here is gay/bi and proud!?
  94. Prefect date??!!
  95. Stuck in the middle of a fight
  96. How to be less shy when I talk to my crush
  97. What should I do if my friend is pregnant?
  98. What do you think about strippers
  99. Unneccesary fighting...
  100. How should I get over my ex