What Can I Do?

What can I do to show him that I love him, It’s not another childish crush? What can I do to show that I trust him, I love him, I want him forever? He’s not a phase, not another face, he stands alone, but how can I show him, I know he knows, but I want to do something special for him… not just watch our relationship from a distance.

Answer #1

im in the opposit boat at the momoent and I’m trying to work out if I can trust my girlfriend and if there is a future for our relationship. Becuase I’m in this position I can tell you what I would want from my girlfriend to make me really happy.

The simple things are always the best

Always be open and honest, if you can confide in your partner then he will with you and the relatioship should grow strong

Show him that you care just by being there for him if/when he needs you, support him in his interests and take part in them if you can.

If it’s true love and not just lust you will soon realise that so see how things go.

make sure you show him off to your friends, nothing better than boosting a guys confidence by introducing him to all your friends and showing him off like hes the best thing since sliced bread.

Don’t get too clingy, for me there is nothing more annoying than someone being clingy and always in your space

Best of luck

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