Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Help me! Boy troubles!
  2. Can you fall OUT of love just as fast as you fell IN love?
  3. When will I find the love of my life
  4. is this a break up?
  5. Does it hurt qettinq fingered the first time for a virgin
  6. Why does it feel that way?
  7. Should I ask him or not?
  8. How can you tell if a guy wants to kiss you?
  9. I am a newly re married mom
  10. stuff coming out vergina??
  11. Annoying Exgirlfriend !!!
  12. Doggy style?
  13. Why do I go for guys that
  14. Vagina Cum
  15. I seem to be the ultimate rebound
  16. Writing and making your own birthday card
  17. Does he really love me?
  18. if you dont know you are having an affair with some one is it an
  19. Could she be testing me..
  20. Will he leave?
  21. is it normal for my boyfriend to think that im going to cheat?
  22. help me be diplomatic with husband,s male chauvenistic friend
  23. your kind of flirting
  24. when yhu qet wet,...
  25. Crushes that are older than you...???!!!
  26. Aroused
  27. How do I know if im in love?
  28. My ex boyfriend and I have currently been broken up for a week now
  29. Going to the movies tonight with this kid
  30. Advice about rape
  31. Ffeel like I dont belong-please help me
  32. hes meetin my parents
  33. can't say I'm sorry
  34. My best mate leaves me.
  35. Help me out- there's a creep!
  36. Why are they all the same?
  37. I dont know what to do...?
  38. Going through an aweful divorce
  39. Why isnt my boyfriend sweet to me
  40. Super confused about all this foolin around stuff.! Ughh.!
  41. kissing with a tounge piercing??
  42. Is he on something...?
  43. life or death situation please answer emo or scene
  44. Do I still have a chance
  45. what is really holding me back from asking the guy I like out?
  46. when should I get engaged
  47. I need help badly im so confused
  48. is he interested in me?? Help!!!
  49. Is he trying to make me Jealous ??
  50. whats your fave porn . . . . .
  51. troubless with a brothers friend
  52. Whats your weirdest dream
  53. girlfriend problem
  54. Help us
  55. What's the best way
  56. how far would you go like the first date and stuff?
  57. shall I stick wiv him ?
  58. I think I love him
  59. How do I tell a bestfriend I don't see him any more than a friend?
  60. What's your type of guy?
  61. lover
  62. I need personal advice
  63. breackup!
  64. is he cheating.
  65. I want to brake up but he is so nice
  66. do I not deserve at least to talk about it with him?
  67. How to end a friendship
  68. Crying out for help
  69. How should I ask my girlfriend why she left me?
  70. Best Friends
  71. I like my best friend. Pleease help me!
  72. does this sound like cheating to you?
  73. Will he stray again??
  74. Male friend wants to date me
  75. im horny so how do I get him 2 be 2
  76. Lost and confused.
  77. Love girl
  78. Need help for love life
  79. My friend...has just been getting on my nerves a whole lot lately
  80. should I date him?
  81. Am I falling in love?
  82. sweet revenge!
  83. He yelled at me how to make him feel bad
  84. How do I know
  85. Shud I apologise or lock him off.
  86. Dealing with boyfriends depression and home sickness...
  87. Help!!!
  88. Surprising My Girlfriend
  89. Suspenders
  90. My boyfriends parents treat him like shit.
  91. Afraid of love
  92. would you pay to see 32 A girl
  93. What can I do about this?
  94. best mate like boy but had a girlfriend
  95. Boy problems for Playtan
  96. What should I say?
  97. When should I ask her out
  98. Does she like me
  99. My ex boyfriend.
  100. My bestfriend husband has other woman