Is he on something...?

My boyfriend is normally a really sweet and caring guy. But he didnt try to talk to me all day and I’ve been busy so I havent had time to try to talk to him. A few minutes ago hes like Wtf, do I have to talk to you first or something? And then right after he’s like Sorry, I’m a bit slow today and I said Its okay baby and it seemed fine. Then right after that hes like Well it seemed like you dont care about me anymore. And I tell him atleast three times a day I love him and we talk about having a future together and how I’d be so lost without him. And to add to it, today his cousin just got back into town and he’s all stoner and stuff and I know he’s with him. Now he asked me if im mad at him and I said no and hes like yes you are. This is completely unlike him. Am I wronng to think this? Help?

Answer #1

thats not the best idea. because if he finds out you and his mom will be in the dog house with him. it sounds like he needs some attention. or hes going through man pms, which they all do, dont let them lie to you. and he just wants to know you wont break up with him for acting like a shithead.

Answer #2

I try and he just gets pissed off and then feels bad and tells me to break up with him… Then he dooes it the next day. Ill talk to his mom about it, Shes a very nice person and maybe she’ll have a clue. And she wont say anything to him.

Answer #3

yew need to tell him how yew feel its nt gewd to keep stuff inside yewrself! maybe he is bipolar?

Answer #4

:P alright, well I still dont know if he was on something… But I freaked on him and then I got a loong text early in the morning saying he was sorry and stuff…

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