Shud I apologise or lock him off.

I told dis guy that we shud b friends because he was WAYYY too clingy & after that we spoke & he wasn’t hearing me on the phone so I shouted on the phone. he started an arguement “oh why you givin me attitude & blah blah balh” so I told him you weren’t hearin me & dis big debate came 2 b. so I told him lets just drop it but he continued so I told him he was acting like a girl & he hung up on me. shud I cuss him d next time he calls & tell him 2 neva call me back.

Answer #1

that dude is very childish if he calls you again just dont answer if this doesnt help at all please tell me. =P

Answer #2


Answer #3

I don’t think you have anything to apologize for. Tell him to get over it and stop acting childishh -.-

Answer #4

I don’t know that might b going a little 2 far, but if you think you should then go ahead

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