Why do I go for guys that

Okk is this wierd?it turns me on when guys are a*sholes to me its really weird for me sometimes but I cant help it I just love it and I mean I been in abussive relationships and stuff like that but after all I still go for those guys?why when theres like other amazing guys??ut I don’t know its just wierd and its drivung me crazy?

Answer #1

im a bad boy , yu shud try me out =]

Answer #2

Lol I tried that I didnt work and I dont need consouling !!! LoL I’ve been told its normal im just attracted to bad boys LoL

Answer #3

lol try dating a nice guy and you may never go back xD

Answer #4

it sounds like you’re a amotional masikist. this is really unhealthy cause you could get in to a abosive relationship or make our self unhappy. I think you should go for counsaling

Answer #5

haha im the same way with chicks. a woman told me once that they want what they can’t have, and there’s no challenge in getting with someone you know you can have. overcoming that mentality is very difficult and could cause you a lot of pain, it did for me.

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