hes meetin my parents

omg my boyfriend has asked to meet my parents and my parents thinks he just a friend. im 13 and hes 18 and im not sure how its ganna go…can someone plez tell me somethings we can do while he is here

Answer #1

That’s very sweet and responsible of your boyfriend to want to meet your parents. Plus, it’s really the best way to get your parents to approve of you dating someone older like that. They’ll have more respect for your relationship if you’re both honest, so tell them the truth. You guys don’t really have to do anything, at least not the first time your parents meet him. Maybe have him come inside for a few minutes when he’s picking you up to go out, so everyone can get acquainted, or if you’re really brave and have relatively cool non-embarrassing parents, invite him over for dinner with the whole family. Every time someone meets their S/O family, it’s a little awkward, no matter what age you are, but you and your boyfriend are doing the right thing. Good luck!

Answer #2

ok I kept my relationship from my parents for two months becuase I was 15 and he was 18 and I was terrified what they would say…when I told my mom she actually wasnt mad. we’ve been together for 16 months. but unfortunatly you guys are 5 years apart. if you guys have sex thats statutory rape. hes an adult and you are a minor. I honestly dont know what to tell you.

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